INTRODUCTION TO VERSION 3.0 of MORTCOST In May of 1986, the IRS issued a press release stating that interest points incurred when refinancing an existing mortgage could not be deducted in the following year. While they were still paid in the year that the refinancing occurred, the deduction would instead have to be spread out over the remaining years of the loan. Their position is that this is prepaid interest, and not subject to the same rules that apply for a new home purchase or home improvement. The IRS told us that this deduction must be spread over that period "ratably", or in other words, in equal amounts for each year. MORTCOST v3.0 has been modified to properly deal with the interest points deduction when you are analyzing the refinancing of a loan. The previous method of deducting points for the year that the loan is written remains in the program for analysis of new home loans and home improvement loans. Other improvements to v3.0 include a new menu for reviewing and changing inputs that is easier to use. The output was reorganized to accomodate handling of the new point analysis, and the loan costs are presented in a more logical order. A number of other minor internal improvements were made. A new user registration program has been started with version 3.0 that provides you with added benefits. See MORTCOST.DOC for details.