C O D E C R A K Darryl S. Abling 209-358-8842 CODECRAK.BAS was designed to break the encoded data file of the game DISARM.COM for the Heath H-89 and similar computers. CODECRAK reads the data file and converts what seems like gib- berish to readable text. The program assumes the file DISARM.DAT will be on disk B: and that you have a printer. If either of these are not true the program is easily modified to fit your system. Line 10 opens the file and line 140 handles text output. An interesting side effect of CODECRAK is that a normal text file run through the program will come out scrambled and if it is run through again it will come out readable. This may be of interest to users interested in sending coded text. If you do decide to do this line 10 will have to be changed to ask for a file name. This program came out of the fact that I have been stumped by DISARM for many months and I was hoping that if I could read the data file of the game I might be able to gain some useful insight to the game. So far the file has yielded some clues, although it is not enough to spoil the game; or even make it much easier. ******ENJOY*****