Added information for BCBC users: There are some undocumented features in BCBC. Unfortunately, these features were added after the manual was written, or were overlooked while writing the manual. Sorry! You may include the whole library (all functions) by including a line in your BASIC program that reads #ALL You may include a selected library routine with the preprocessor directive #INCLUDE N, where N is the number of the routine to include. You may insert assembler code directly in the body of your program with the directive #ASM which must be all alone on a line (the line need not be numbered). All lines following this directive will be passed through without parsing or translation until a line containing the directive #ENDASM is encountered. #ENDASM should also be on its own line. The assembler routine can be called as a subroutine, or may be the object of a GOTO. Please let me know of any bugs in BCBC! Bruce Tonkin 6/1/84