MINDER; copyright 1985 by Mark Mallett. Permission is hereby given to distribute MINDER indiscriminately. This kit contains the MINDER program: a reminder program for CPM-80 systems and probably adaptable to other systems. What the program is and does can be gleaned from the online help file "MINDER.HLP". MINDER expects to be able to lookup this file if the user asks for help. It is not formatted as a document, but as I say, it can be read for instructions. Note: MINDER is probably not well suited for floppy-based systems or systems without a daytime clock, though it can run with either. MINDER compiles with the AZTEC C compiler version 1.05g. No other claims are made about its codeworthiness. The file MINDER.LNK is an indirect file for the AZTEC linker. (i.e., ln -f minder.lnk) The MINDER.COM which is supplied has been compiled for the Z80 processor. MINDER requires that you have the COMND (version 004 is current right now) library for TOPS-20 style parsing. Some of the include files which are referenced in these sources are provided with that library, so they are not duplicated here. Also in the COMND library are the date/time conversion and operating system interface routines (for date and time). If you make worthwhile changes to or ports of this program, I'd appreciate having the updates. Mark Mallett Sept 11, 1985 20 Jeff Lane Voice: 603 424 8129 Manchester NH Data: 603 424 8124 1200/2400 baud, no 300. 03103