XREF27.ASM Cross-reference program for .ASM or .PRN files 11/09/85 This program generates a cross-reference list for all labels in an .ASM, .MAC or .PRN file. Thus it works with either an assembly level source code file or an assembled print file. No other cross-reference program is known to have this sort of versatility and ease of use. It will number the lines and generate a cross-reference listing at the end of the program. If a numbered listing is not requested, it makes a cross-reference listing without the source code - this is often used to find what label names have been already used - or which labels were actually unnecessary as they were not used at all. The output can be shown to the CRT, sent directly to the printer, or to a disk file. If a disk file is used, it is given the same name as the original file, with an .EXR extent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- current revision 11/09/85 Fixed an intermittent bug that was causing the program to v27 miss seeing the EOF character and keep right on going until it bombed by filling the disk. This occured on some longer .PRN files when adding line numbers. Took awhile to find, as only occured occasionally. Likely been around since the program was written. - Irv Hoff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It is invoked by entering: XREF FILEBNME.ASM (output to printer) XREF FILENAME.PRN CRT (output to CRT) XREF FILENAME.ASM D (output to disk - default drive) XREF FILENAME.PRN B:D (output to disk - drive B: in this case) To get the help guide type: XREF ? or XREF ----------------------------------------------------------------------