XLT80 translates ZILOG Z80 assembly level source code into INTEL 8080 assembly level source code. HOW TO USE: ----------- XLT80 D:SRCFILE.TYP D:DESTFILE.TYPE All parameters are optional. Optional default values are: Source file-type (.MAC) Destination file-type (.ASM) Destination file-name (same as the source file-name) Drive (current drive) EXAMPLES: --------- XLT80 (prints a help message) XLT80 FILE1 (translates FILE1.MAC to FILE1.ASM) XLT80 FILE1 B: (translates FILE1.MAC to B:FILE2.ASM) XLT80 FILE1 FILE2.ASM (translates FILE1.MAC to FILE2.ASM) XLT80 FILE1.Z80 FILE2.TXT (translates FILE1.Z80 to FILE2.TXT) This program will not split up unrecognized names longer than five characters. It operates fast because it uses large buffers. It handles long labels properly. Compare the result of translating the test file TEST1B.Z80 with the results of other translators you may have. It will not translate Z80 intrinsic opcodes (Z80 opcodes with no 8080 counterpart) but flags then and writes the line numbers in which they are found - both to the console and to the output file. Asterisks at the beginning of lines will be replaced with semi- colons. Colons are neither added to nor stripped from labels. Double colons are preserved. In general, the program leaves things alone which it doesn't recog- nize. An activity dot is printed on the console for every 100 lines of input processed. The dots are printed in groups of 10 with 5 groups per console line. The programs uses 16k buffers which write one file extent to the disk each time. This minimizes disk activity in addition to pro- viding a very fast program.