LINKMAP Documentation Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 NightOwl Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved ----------------------------- LINKMAP is a simple utility to dump MicroSoft REL files to the console in a form similar to that of DUMP.COM, but with DDT's ASCII-display at the end of each line. In addition, LINKMAP displays the various other Microsoft REL data in a compact form. The syntax is simple: LINKMAP [] | | | | \ / Optional FILENAME should be a standard Microsoft-format REL file, and may be composed of multiple modules. If no filetype is specified, the type REL is assumed. If is entered, then LINKMAP will assume that the file is a library of modules, and will display only the specified module (someday, this syntax may be modified to allow a range of modules). LINKMAP buffers an entire module in memory before displaying it, so there is a noticeable delay when listing large modules. Notation: The following notational character set is used by LINKMAP to imply re- location base information: Blank ( ) : Absolute segment Single Quote (') : Code segment Double Quote (") : Data segment Excl. Mark (!) : Common For more information on the MicroSoft REL format, see the Microsoft Utility Software Manual, LINK-80 Linking Loader section. ------------------------------------------------------------ Legal stuff: This software is NOT public domain; it may be copied and distributed through bulletin-board systems; it may be distributed via user groups on diskettes, provided such distribution is not for profit. LINKMAP may NOT be distributed with a commercial hardware or software product without express written permission of NightOwl Software, INC., Route 1, Box, 7, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. NightOwl Software makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifcally disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.