LASM-TDL Description This is an enhanced version of the public domain LINKASM assembler. Originally authored by Digital Research, rewritten and 'LINKed' by Ward Christenson, improved by Pete Mack, expanded by Steve Schlaifer and now compatabile with TDL operands by Pete Rudenko. The major remaining step would be to MACROize it. Current primary enhancement is the accomodation of the TDL Z80 operands and a 'COPY' directive. This variation is now compatable with two Z80 disassemblers also in the public domain. Directives which are recognized by this assembler but not by ASM are LINK, COPY, XREF, SYM, TITLE, EJECT and DEF. LINK 'file' LINK closes the current input source file, opens the named file which must be on the same drive and with the extension .ASM and continues the assembly process using this new file as a continuation of the previous. COPY 'file' COPY is similar to the LINK above except it will return to the invoking source file after end of file on the included member. Currently only 1 level of COPY will be accomodated. XREF XREF has no operands. It causes a cross reference of all the labels in the assembled source file to be listed at the end of the source listing with the line numbers where they are defined followed by the line numbers where they are used. SYM SYM has no operands. It causes a file with the extension .SYM to be created on the same drive on which the .HEX file is being written. This file contains a list of all the labels and their assembled addresses. TITLE 'title string' TITLE takes a string operand. It causes the string to be printed at the top of each page of the source listing for titling the listing. EJECT EJECT merely causes the assembly listing to do a page break. This is usefull for creating white space seperators at the appropriate points. DEF There is one other incompatibility between this assembler and the ASM assembler. ASM has a SET directive which is like EQU but allows later redefinition of the label. The Z80 has an op code called SET for setting a selected bit in a byte. Since the SET directive is rarely used in ASM, the SET directive is replaced by DEF. Operand symbols r Registers A,B,C,D,E,H,L n Any 8 bit value, + or - ii Index Registers X or Y d An 8 bit displacement, -128