TITLE 'LINK-ASM-TDL Oct-85' XREF SYM ************************************************* * Copyright (c) Pete Mack * Mack Associates * 1660 Olympic Street * Simi Valley, Ca. 93063 ************************************************* * rev 8/11/83 Pete Mack. Initial release * rev 3/21/84 Steve Schlaifer. Z80 op codes * added. XREF list printed to console * if console output selected. SYM file * only written if OBJ file written. ************************************************* * rev Aug-Nov/85 P.J.R - TDL Compatability * 1) Basic OPCODE changes - JR->JMPR, * DSBB->DSBC, SALRXY->SLARXY, * SARRXY->SRARXY, SLRRXY->SRLRXY * 2) Expanded for X/Y - * DCX INX LXI INR DCR * ADC ADD ANA CMP ORA SBB SUB XRA * RLCR RRCR RALR RARR SLAR SRAR SRLR * MVI BIT RES SET MOV * & removed equiv X/Y derivatives * 3) Corrected PCIY Gen Code - * 4) Added EJECT directive - * 5) Limited XREF to 7 / line - * 6) Changed NOW (SET) to DEF - * 7) Allow valid 1 byte negatives - * 8) Additional COPY directive * 9) Implement soft CCP return ************************************************* * Not Yet Implemented ---------- * -) Restrict applicable reg use * -) Expand IF with ELSE, ENDIF * -) MACRO capability - in steps ************************************************* ORG 0100H START: ;START ASSEMBLY JMP ASSEMBLE COPY 'LASM1' COPY 'LASM2' COPY 'LASM3' COPY 'LASM4' COPY 'LASM5' END START