bver equ 14 ; 1.4 86/12/02. Revised pfnmdu and pfnm, together with skipblks ; and nextch. Added routines nxt, lastch, and qwhite. ; output of getdu different. The file parsing routines now ; exit with de pointing to the terminator character, and ; pfnm/pfnmdu return the wild card count in a. Previous user ; interface was awkward. These routines are now virtually ; identical to those in CCP+ (which use Z80 code, and would ; have been in DOS+ if room were available). Added options ; (parser), tdzsf (dec out in fixed field), blk, blks. ; 1.3 86/11/26. Revised move (exchanged to/from pointers ; to agree with ldir). Added salloc, sbcalloc, lhlstk ; stack frame allocation/addressing. Added utilities ; dcmp, dsub, mxchg, and endata marker for data segment. ; 1.2 86/05/12. Added wildxpnd, fcwildnm, nxtout, fncopy, ; wildchk, move, nextfn and corrected pfnm ; 1.1 Added imul,idiv,c12bc,dten,couta,tdzs,tadzs,tfnam. ; Moved dos to end. 86/01/30 ; crite: db 0dh,'BUFFLIB v' db bver / 10 + '0', '.', bver MOD 10 + '0' db ' copyright (c) 1986, C.B. Falconer$',01ah ; ; return a=bufflib version in use, de pointer to version msg. ; a,d,e .bver:: mvi a,bver lxi d,crite ret