INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR TYPELZ15 Beginning with the release of TYPELZ15, virtually all user-configurable conditionals and values may be patched directly into the .COM file using DDT or PATCH, or an equivalent program. For convenience, each location is marked with a pointer, so that when the file is displayed, the byte to change will be clearly indicated ... for example the byte following: [COLUMNS> in the DDT or PATCH display would be the one to change to adjust the number of columns on your CRT screen. Here is a rundown of the user-alterable values and flags: POINTER ADDRESS APPLICATION MAXDRV+1> 10Dh Highest accessible drive + 1 (A=2, B=3, etc) MAXUSR+1> 118h Highest accessible user + 1 MAXLINES> 123h Max # of lines to display. 0 = no limit. CRTLINES> 12Eh # of lines on your screen COLUMNS> 12Eh # of columns on your screen NEXTLN> 141h-143h After pause, up to 3 character choices to display one additional line. L,l,(space)? EJECTPG> 14Eh send Form Feed to printer after # of lines. WHLTEST> 158h 0 = NO Restrictions. 0FFh = Restricted except for WHEEL users. (Wheel Address 03Eh) NOTYPE> 161h-188h Table of entries for filetypes not to be displayed. Each MUST be 3 characters long, and '?' characters are acceptable, function as "wildcards" in the search. Typical entries should include non-text files, such as COM OBJ LBR REL, etc... End of user alterable area. Note that the source code is included in the library and may be re-assembled with most Z80 assemblers, such as M80, in the event the options here are insufficient for the user's application.