PROGRAM ltype (cmd, input, output); (*$n-,d- for no run-time checks nor line numbers *) (* equivalent to "type", but extracts from library *) (* Run with: *) (* B>runpcd ltype [-libfname] {componentname} *) (* where the "-" signals the presence of the *) (* optional libfname entry. libfname defaults to *) (* "LIBRARY.LBR". [] encloses optional entries, *) (* {} encloses entries that may be repeated. *) (* Initial version 14 Dec. 1980. By C.B. Falconer. *) (* 1.1 - corrected date calculation. *) CONST ver = ' Ver. 1.1'; fnmsize = 28; binrcdmax = 63; binrcdsize = 64; (* binrcdmax + 1 *) TYPE byte = char; (* packed 0..255 *) fname = PACKED ARRAY[1..fnmsize] OF char; binfptr = 0..binrcdmax; binfile = FILE OF ARRAY[binfptr] OF byte; err = (eoferr, notlib, notfound, libneeded, idneeded); VAR cmd : text; libfile : binfile; libfname, component : fname; i, sz, crcwd, date : integer; (* from lib directory for component *) delimiters : SET OF char; (* for file names *) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) PROCEDURE help; BEGIN (* help *) writeln('LTYPE (cmd, input, output);', ver); writeln(' equivalent to "type", but extracts from library'); writeln(' Run with:'); writeln(' B>runpcd ltype [-libfname] {componentname}'); writeln(' where the "-" signals the presence of the'); writeln(' optional libfname entry. libfname defaults to'); writeln(' "LIBRARY.LBR". [] encloses optional entries,'); writeln(' {} encloses entries that may be repeated.'); END; (* help *) (* 1----------------1 *) PROCEDURE signal(x : err); BEGIN (* signal *) writeln; write('*** ERROR *** '); CASE x OF idneeded: write('No component selected'); notlib: write('Not a library: ', libfname); eoferr: BEGIN write('EOF - library faulty: ', libfname); terminate; END; notfound: write('Can''t find: ', component); libneeded: write('No library: ', libfname); END; (* case *) writeln; IF x <> notfound THEN help; END; (* signal *) (* 1----------------1 *) PROCEDURE setname(VAR n : fname); (* parse the name from the input stream in cmd *) VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* setname *) i := 1; WHILE cmd^ <> ' ' DO IF i < fnmsize THEN BEGIN read(cmd, n[i]); i := succ(i); END ELSE get(cmd); FOR i := i TO fnmsize DO n[i] := ' '; END; (* setname *) (* 1----------------1 *) PROCEDURE dumpcomponent(sz : integer); (* from the previously positioned libfile. Note that *) (* sz must be used to control the EOF in case no eof *) (* marker is found in the component. *) CONST (*$s-*) eofmark = (:26:); cr = (:13:); lf = (:10:); nul = (:0:); (*$s+*) VAR lasteoln : boolean; (* last output was eoln *) sector : ARRAY[0..128] OF byte; (* 2----------------2 *) FUNCTION writesector : boolean; (* all sorts of nasty garbage to convert to text *) (* return false when eofmark found *) VAR endptr, pointer, piecesz : integer; (* 3----------------3 *) FUNCTION fillsector : boolean; BEGIN (* fillsector *) IF sz > 0 THEN BEGIN (*$s-*) sector[0 FOR binrcdsize] := libfile^; IF eof(libfile) THEN signal(eoferr); get(libfile); sector[binrcdsize FOR binrcdsize] := libfile^; IF eof(libfile) THEN signal(eoferr); (*$s+*) get(libfile); sz := sz - 1; fillsector := true; END ELSE BEGIN sector[0] := eofmark; fillsector := false; END; END; (* fillsector *) (* 3----------------3 *) PROCEDURE skiplfs; BEGIN (* skiplfs *) WHILE (pointer < 128) AND (sector[pointer] = lf) DO pointer := succ(pointer); END; (* skiplfs *) (* 3----------------3 *) (*$x+,d-,s- illegal addresses (sector[pointer FOR 128])in here *) BEGIN (* writesector *) IF fillsector THEN BEGIN writesector := true; pointer := 0; skiplfs; WHILE pointer < 128 DO IF sector[pointer] <> eofmark THEN BEGIN endptr := scanfor(eofmark, sector[pointer], 128-pointer); piecesz := scanfor(cr, sector[pointer], 128 - pointer)-1; IF piecesz < 0 THEN piecesz := 128 - pointer ELSE lasteoln := false; IF (endptr <> 0) THEN (* fix illegal eofs *) IF piecesz >= endptr THEN piecesz := endptr - 1; write(sector[pointer FOR 128] : piecesz); (* 0 sz works *) pointer := pointer + piecesz; IF pointer < 128 THEN BEGIN writeln; (* found a cr *); lasteoln := true; pointer := succ(pointer); skiplfs; END; END ELSE BEGIN (* force exit *) pointer := 128; writesector := false; END; END ELSE writesector := false; END; (* writesector *) (*$x- restore options *) (* 2----------------2 *) PROCEDURE writedate(date : integer); (* 1 corresponds to 1 Jan 1978 *) VAR year, month, day : integer; (* 3----------------3 *) PROCEDURE leadingzeroes(i : integer); (* 0..99 only *) BEGIN (* leadingzeroes *) IF i < 10 THEN write('0'); write(i : 1); END; (* leadingzeroes *) (* 3----------------3 *) BEGIN (* writedate *) drtodate(date, year, month, day); write(' '); leadingzeroes(year MOD 100); write('/'); leadingzeroes(month); write('/'); leadingzeroes(day); END; (* writedate *) (* 2----------------2 *) BEGIN (* dumpcomponent *) writeln; write(sz : 1, ' records in (', libfname : scanfor(' ', libfname, fnmsize)-1, ') ', component); IF date > 0 THEN BEGIN write(' Installed'); writedate(date); END; writeln; lasteoln := true; WHILE writesector DO (* loop *); IF NOT lasteoln THEN writeln; END; (* dumpcomponent *) (* 1----------------1 *) BEGIN (* ltype *) reset(cmd); skipredirection(cmd); IF eoln(cmd) OR eof(cmd) THEN help ELSE BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO fnmsize DO libfname[i] := ' '; component := libfname; IF cmd^ = '-' THEN BEGIN get(cmd); setname(libfname); END; skipredirection(cmd); (*$s-*) IF libfname[1] = ' ' THEN libfname[1 FOR 12] := 'LIBRARY.LBR '; IF scanfor('.', libfname, fnmsize) = 0 THEN (* insert .LBR *) libfname[scanfor(' ', libfname, fnmsize) FOR 5] := '.LBR '; IF exists(libfile, libfname) THEN BEGIN filename(libfile, libfname); (* For system name *) (*$s+*) IF libentry(libfile, component, sz, crcwd, date) THEN BEGIN (* blank component, found a directory *) IF eof(cmd) OR eoln(cmd) THEN signal(idneeded) ELSE REPEAT setname(component); IF libentry(libfile, component, sz, crcwd, date) THEN dumpcomponent(sz) ELSE signal(notfound); skipredirection(cmd); UNTIL eof(cmd) OR eoln(cmd); END ELSE signal(notlib); END ELSE signal(libneeded); END; END. (* ltype *)