PROGRAM lsetdate(cmd, input, output); (* An adjunct to Gary P. Novosielski's library system *) (* To set "modified" dates in libraries. This will set *) (* those dates that are found to be zero, i.e. unknown, *) (* entries, including deleted but not free entries, or *) (* the entries for a specified module sub-set. Directory *) (* entry itself is specifically included, although LU *) (* itself discards that entry on any re-organization. *) (* LU 3.0 and later, also NULU 1.5 up, preserve dates on *) (* a re-organization. LU zeroes new entries, NULU doesn't *) (* *) (* Calling sequence: *) (* B>runpcd lsetdate libraryname date module *) (* with date and module optional. If omitted the date *) (* will be extracted from the system, if available, and *) (* if not available simply exit with an error message. If *) (* module is omitted all undated entries are dated. The *) (* format for date is "yy/mm/dd" with two digits per item.*) (* yy < 66 is treated as 21st century. 67..77 reset date. *) (* 1.2 - 86/2/26 Fixed requirement for blank after date. *) (* 1.1 - 86/2/24 Added third parameter to individually *) (* select library components to date. This caters *) (* to NULU which does not clear dates. Weakened the *) (* library validity test to cater to some MSDOS *) (* programs, which do not blank the dir[0] name. *) (* Will now only update active (not deleted) entry. *) (* 1.0 - 83/12/14 - C.B. Falconer - initial version. *) (*$n-,d- 84/12/04 removed run-time checks, no change. cbf *) CONST header = 'LSETDATE Ver. 1.2 Copyright (c) 1983, 1986 by C.B. Falconer'; binrcdmax = 63; fnmsize = 28; (* handles most systems *) datelnsz = 15; TYPE byte = char; (* 0..255 packed *) hexdig = 0..15; dateln = PACKED ARRAY[1..datelnsz] OF char; fname = PACKED ARRAY[1..fnmsize] OF char; binfptr = 0..binrcdmax; binfile = FILE OF ARRAY[binfptr] OF byte; err = (needate, notlib, cantfind, crcerr); VAR dateline : dateln; cmd : text; libfile : binfile; libfname : fname; mdlname : fname; digits : SET OF '0'..'9'; size, (* of directory *) dircrc : integer; (* extracted from dir[0] *) (* 1--------------1 *) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) PROCEDURE help; BEGIN (* help *) writeln; writeln(header); writeln('To set module modified dates in LU libraries for'); writeln('all modules not already dated:'); writeln(' B>lsetdate libraryname YY/MM/DD'); writeln('To unconditionally redate individual modules use:'); writeln(' B>lsetdate lbrname YY/MM/DD modulename'); writeln('Wildcards accepted. *.* equivalent to no entry'); writeln('YY/MM/DD is the date to be set. Mandatory if the'); writeln('system does not supply the current date, otherwise'); writeln('overrides system date.'); END; (* help *) (* 1--------------1 *) PROCEDURE signal(x : err); LABEL 1; BEGIN (* signal *) write('*** ERROR *** '); CASE x OF crcerr: BEGIN writeln('CRC directory error, bad library: ', libfname); prompt(chr(7), '^C aborts, continues'); readln; GOTO 1; END; notlib: write('Not a library: ', libfname); cantfind: write('Can''t find ', libfname); needate: write('No system date or invalid date format'); END; writeln; help; 1: END; (* signal *) (* 1--------------1 *) PROCEDURE setdate(VAR f : text; VAR d : dateln); VAR i : integer; d1 : dateln; (* 2--------------2 *) FUNCTION getfield(min, max : integer; delimiter : char) : boolean; VAR j : integer; BEGIN (* getfield *) getfield := false; FOR j := 0 TO 2 DO IF eoln(f) THEN d1[i + j] := ' ' ELSE read(f, d1[i + j]); IF (d1[i + 2] = delimiter) AND (d1[i] IN digits) AND (d1[succ(i)] IN digits) THEN BEGIN j := 10*(ord(d1[i]) - ord('0')) + ord(d1[succ(i)]) - ord('0'); IF (j >= min) AND (j <= max) THEN getfield := true; END; i := i + 3; END; (* getfield *) (* 2--------------2 *) BEGIN (* setdate *) i := 1; d := '00/00/00 0:00 '; (* default for error *) IF getfield(0, 99, '/') THEN IF getfield(1, 12, '/') THEN IF getfield(1, 31, ' ') THEN d := d1; END; (* setdate *) (* 1--------------1 *) FUNCTION verify(VAR l : binfile; VAR size, dircrc : integer) : boolean; (* l just opened, so l^ holds initial record *) (* This code is NOT portable across 16 bit *) (* systems. See LDIR for suitable coding. *) (* Should test for blank name but some MSDOS *) (* programs put the library name there. *) BEGIN (* ferify *) size := mergebytes(ord(l^[15]), ord(l^[14])); verify := (l^[0] = chr(0)) AND (l^[1] < chr(127)) AND (size > 0) AND (size < 8192) AND (mergebytes(ord(l^[13]), ord(l^[12])) = 0); dircrc := mergebytes(ord(l^[17]), ord(l^[16])); l^[17] := chr(0); l^[16] := chr(0); (* for dir crc calc. *) END; (* verify *) (* 1--------------1 *) PROCEDURE revise(VAR l : binfile; dateline : dateln; size : integer); CONST debug = true; TYPE mnametype = PACKED ARRAY[1..11] OF char; binchunk = ARRAY[binfptr] OF byte; binrecptr = ^binrecd; binrecd = RECORD next : binrecptr; recd : binchunk; END; (* binrecd *) VAR current, root : binrecptr; i, hi, lo, crcwd : integer; mname : mnametype; (* 2--------------2 *) PROCEDURE storechunk; VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* storechunk *) new(current^.next); current := current^.next; current^.recd := l^; get(l); FOR i := 0 TO binrcdmax DO crc(current^.recd[i], crcwd); END; (* storechunk *) (* 2--------------2 *) PROCEDURE setupdate; (* 3--------------3 *) PROCEDURE installdateat(ix : integer); BEGIN (* installdateat *) l^[ix + 19] := chr(hi); l^[ix + 18] := chr(lo); END; (* installdateat *) (* 3--------------3 *) PROCEDURE chkmatchat(ix : integer); (* implements wild card matching against l^[ix] *) LABEL 1; VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* chkmatchat *) IF l^[ix] = chr(0) THEN BEGIN (* live entry *) FOR i := 1 TO 11 DO IF (l^[i + ix] <> mname[i]) AND (mname[i] <> '?') THEN GOTO 1; (* no match *) (* match, update the date *) installdateat(ix); END; 1: END; (* chkmatchat *) (* 3--------------3 *) PROCEDURE chknodateat(ix : integer); (* implements setting of any unset dates l^[ix] *) BEGIN (* chknodateat *) IF (l^[ix] = chr(0)) AND (l^[ix + 19] = chr(0)) AND (l^[ix + 18] = chr(0)) THEN installdateat(ix); END; (* chknodateat *) (* 3--------------3 *) BEGIN (* setupdate *) (*$s-*) IF mdlname[1 FOR 3] = '*.*' THEN BEGIN (* all undated *) (*$s+*) chknodateat(0); chknodateat(32); END ELSE BEGIN (* update the specific entry *) chkmatchat(0); chkmatchat(32); END; END; (* setupdate *) (* 2--------------2 *) PROCEDURE putchunk; VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* putchunk *) l^ := current^.recd; setupdate; FOR i := 0 TO binrcdmax DO crc(l^[i], crcwd); put(l); current := current^.next; END; (* putchunk *) (* 2--------------2 *) PROCEDURE standardize(VAR mdlname : fname; VAR mname : mnametype); (* input wild string format to directory format *) VAR i, j : integer; (* 3--------------3 *) FUNCTION upshift(VAR ch : char) : char; BEGIN (* upshift *) IF ch IN ['a'..'z'] THEN ch := chr(ord(ch) - 32); upshift := ch; END; (* upshift *) (* 3--------------3 *) BEGIN (* standardize *) i := 0; REPEAT i := succ(i); UNTIL upshift(mdlname[i]) = ' '; i := 1; j := 1; mname := ' '; WHILE (i <= 8) AND NOT (mdlname[i] IN [' ', '.', '*']) DO BEGIN mname[j] := mdlname[i]; i := succ(i); j := succ(j); END; IF mdlname[i] = '*' THEN BEGIN FOR j := j TO 8 DO mname[j] := '?'; i := succ(i); END; WHILE NOT (mdlname[i] IN [' ', '.']) DO i := succ(i); IF mdlname[i] = '.' THEN BEGIN i := succ(i); j := 9; WHILE (j <= 11) AND NOT (mdlname[i] IN [' ', '*']) DO BEGIN mname[j] := mdlname[i]; i := succ(i); j := succ(j); END; IF mdlname[i] = '*' THEN FOR j := j TO 11 DO mname[j] := '?'; END; END; (* standardize *) (* 2--------------2 *) BEGIN (* revise *) standardize(mdlname, mname); (* to the directory format *) new(root); current := root; current^.recd := l^; get(l); crcwd := 0; splitbytes(drdate(dateline), hi, lo); FOR i := 0 TO binrcdmax DO crc(current^.recd[i], crcwd); FOR i := 2 TO 2*size DO storechunk; (* the whole directory *) IF (crcwd <> dircrc) AND (dircrc <> 0) THEN signal(crcerr); current^.next := NIL; current := root^.next; l^ := root^.recd; setupdate; crcwd := 0; root^.recd := l^; FOR i := 0 TO binrcdmax DO crc(root^.recd[i], crcwd); update(l); reposition(l, 1); WHILE current <> NIL DO putchunk; reposition(l, 0); l^ := root^.recd; splitbytes(crcwd, hi, lo); l^[16] := chr(lo); l^[17] := chr(hi); (* revised CRC *) put(l); END; (* revise *) (* 1--------------1 *) PROCEDURE initialize; BEGIN (* initialize *) reset(cmd); skipredirection(cmd); dater(dateline); (* 00/00/00 if no system date available *) digits := ['0'..'9']; (*$s-*) mdlname[1 FOR 4] := '*.* '; (*$s+*) END; (* initialize *) (* 1--------------1 *) BEGIN (* lsetdate *) initialize; IF eoln(cmd) OR eof(cmd) THEN help ELSE BEGIN setname(cmd, libfname); skipredirection(cmd); (*$s-*) IF scanfor('.', libfname, fnmsize) = 0 THEN (* set default .LBR *) libfname[scanfor(' ', libfname, fnmsize) FOR 5] := '.LBR '; IF exists(libfile, libfname) THEN BEGIN (*$s+*) filename(libfile, libfname); (* system standard name *) IF verify(libfile, size, dircrc) THEN BEGIN IF NOT (eoln(cmd) OR eof(cmd)) THEN BEGIN IF cmd^ IN digits THEN setdate(cmd, dateline); skipredirection(cmd); IF NOT eoln(cmd) OR eof(cmd) THEN setname(cmd, mdlname); END; (*$s-*) IF dateline[1 FOR 8] = '00/00/00' THEN signal(needate) (*$s+*) ELSE revise(libfile, dateline, size) (* at last *); END ELSE signal(notlib); END ELSE signal(cantfind); END; END. (* lsetdate *)