PROGRAM ldir(cmd, input, output); (* Replacement program, with enhancements etc. *) (* By C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk., *) (* Hamden, Conn. 06517 *) (* Intended to replace the original by Gary P. *) (* Novosielski, but operate with the PascalP *) (* system, and port to other machines, such as *) (* the HP3000. Steps have been taken to insu- *) (* late the library format from the native *) (* machine storage formats. Interactive use is *) (* an enhancement, as is provision for a date *) (* modified entry in the library directory. *) (* The automatic disk system disk searches are *) (* in effect. *) (* 1.9 - 86/2/23 Test for directory header was *) (* blank name, changed to location=0 for *) (* NULU compatibility. Weakened test *) (* for directory validity, for MSDOS *) (* compatibility (some bad progs). cbf *) (* 1.8 - 85/10/16 - Provided RCPM constant for *) (* eliminating file redirection, when *) (* used on RCPM systems. Speed-up of *) (* directory sort (previous was very *) (* poor on pre-sorted directories). *) (* 1.7 - 84/12/06 - Removed restrictions on *) (* chars in file names - up to system. *) (* 1.6 - 83/12/31 - Allowed for HP3000 user *) (* interface (no cmd line). Added a *) (* default "unsorted" option *) (* 1.5 - 83/12/30 - Added -g sorting option *) (* 1.4 - 83/12/30 - Separated directory load *) (* and directory sort, speedup disk opn *) (* 1.3 - 83/12/21 - Minor code compression. *) (* 1.2 - 83/12/20 - Re-organized to speed up. *) (* directories sorted for display. *) (* date command now "M", avoid conflicts *) (* 1.1 - 83/12/12 - converted DR format date. *) (* removed file error after not found. *) CONST ver = 'Ver. 1.9 '; (* initial version 83/12/11 *) verbbs = 'Ver. 1.9 (RCPM)'; (* when no re-direction etc. *) binrcdmax = 63; fnmsize = 28; notRCPM = true; (* false removes the help message on *) (* file re-direction. Physical removal *) (* depends on linking performed. *) TYPE byte = char; binfptr = 0..binrcdmax; binfile = FILE OF ARRAY[binfptr] OF byte; err = (badcrc, notlib, cantfind, badoption, needlib); fname = PACKED ARRAY[1..fnmsize] OF char; direntry = RECORD status : byte; name : ARRAY[1..8] OF byte; ext : ARRAY[1..3] OF byte; location, size, crcval, modified : integer; spare : ARRAY[1..12] OF byte; END; (* direntry *) dirptr = ^dirchunk; dirchunk = RECORD next, left, right : dirptr; dir : direntry; END; (* dirchunk *) sortkind = (unsorted, byname, bygroup); VAR cmd : text; (* command line *) (* quasi constants *) fnchars : SET OF char; (* allowed in file names *) (* 1---------------1 *) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) (*$i''*) PROCEDURE signon; BEGIN (* signon *) write('LDIR (cmd, input, output); '); IF notRCPM THEN write(ver) ELSE write(verbbs); writeln(' (c) 1983, 1986 by C.B. Falconer'); writeln(' Execute with "ldir {[options] [libfname]}"'); writeln(' where {} shows a field that may be repeated and []'); writeln(' enclose optional fields. "options" is the character'); writeln(' "-" followed by one or more of:'); writeln(' n sort by name u unsorted(default)'); writeln(' g sort by "typ" m date modified'); writeln(' s sectors of storage k kilobytes (size)'); writeln('EXAMPLE: B>ldir -m command'); writeln('Commands may be placed on the command line or executed'); writeln(' interactively on ">" prompt. "fname>" shows an open'); writeln(' library, and -options will display its directory'); IF notRCPM THEN BEGIN writeln('File redirection using "<", ">" is available'); writeln('To list command.lbr on the lister, enter:'); writeln(' B>ldir command >lst'); END ELSE writeln('You must be logged onto the drive/user area'); writeln; END; (* signon *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE docommands(VAR cf : text; interactive : boolean); TYPE option = (bad, lopen, nosort, name, group, sectors, kbytes, date); optionset = SET OF option; VAR exit : boolean; options : optionset; libfile : binfile; fnm : fname; dircrc, crcwd : integer; root : dirptr; (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE signal(x : err); BEGIN (* signal *) write('** ERROR ** '); CASE x OF badcrc: write('Bad directory CRC'); notlib: write('Not a library: ', fnm); cantfind: write('Cannot find: ', fnm); badoption: write('Bad option'); needlib: write('No library specified'); END; (* case *) writeln; END; (* signal *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE fill(VAR options : optionset; VAR cf : text); VAR o : option; BEGIN (* fill *) IF cf^ = '-' THEN BEGIN get(cf); options := []; WHILE (cf^ <> ' ') DO BEGIN CASE cf^ OF 'S','s': o := sectors; 'K','k': o := kbytes; 'M','m': o := date; 'N','n': o := name; 'G','g': o := group; 'U','u': o := nosort; (*$s-*) OTHERWISE o := bad; END; (*$s+ case *) options := options + [o]; get(cf); END; END; END; (* fill *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE open; VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* open *) IF NOT ((name IN options) OR (group IN options)) THEN options := options + [nosort]; IF root <> NIL THEN BEGIN release(root); root := NIL; END; i := 1; IF cf^ IN fnchars THEN REPEAT IF i < fnmsize THEN BEGIN read(cf, fnm[i]); i := succ(i); END ELSE get(cf); UNTIL NOT (cf^ IN fnchars) ELSE BEGIN (*$s-*) fnm[1 FOR 7] := 'LIBRARY'; i := 8; END; (*$s+*) FOR i := i TO fnmsize DO fnm[i] := ' '; skipto(' ', cf); {} IF scanfor('.', fnm[1], fnmsize) = 0 THEN BEGIN (* no ".", force .LBR extension *) {} i := scanfor(' ', fnm[1], fnmsize); IF i < fnmsize - 5 THEN (*$s-*) fnm[i FOR 5] := '.LBR '; END; IF exists(libfile, fnm) THEN BEGIN (*$s+*) filename(libfile, fnm) (* to standardize on system format *); crcwd := 0; IF loaddir(libfile, root, dircrc, crcwd) THEN BEGIN IF (dircrc <> 0) AND (dircrc <> crcwd) THEN signal(badcrc); options := options - [lopen]; END ELSE BEGIN signal(notlib); close(libfile); (* prevent display *) END; END ELSE signal(cantfind); END; (* open *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE display(VAR options : optionset); CONST scrnsize = 80; scrnlns = 20; maxhead = 40; VAR hlgh, i, j, itemsfree, itemsonline, itemsrejected, itemsput, linesput, perline : integer; hd : PACKED ARRAY[1..maxhead] OF char; dateline : PACKED ARRAY[1..15] OF char; displayroot : dirptr; (* 3---------------3 *) PROCEDURE writedate(modified : integer); (* Convert Digital Research Format to real life *) VAR year, month, day : integer; (* 4-----------------4 *) PROCEDURE leadingzeros(i : integer); (* range 0..99 only *) BEGIN (* leadingzeroes *) IF i < 10 THEN write('0'); write(i : 1); END; (* leadingzeroes *) (* 4-----------------4 *) BEGIN (* writedate *) drtodate(modified, year, month, day); write(' '); leadingzeroes(year MOD 100); write('/'); leadingzeroes(month); write('/'); leadingzeroes(day); END; (* writedate *) (* 3---------------3 *) PROCEDURE putitem(d : dirptr); BEGIN (* putitem *) WITH d^.dir DO BEGIN IF (status = chr(0)) AND (location <> 0) THEN BEGIN IF itemsonline = 0 THEN BEGIN IF interactive AND (linesput = scrnlns) THEN BEGIN prompt(''); linesput := 0; readln; END ELSE BEGIN writeln; linesput := succ(linesput); END; END ELSE write(' | '); write(name, '.', ext); IF sectors IN options THEN write(size : 8); IF kbytes IN options THEN write((size + 7) DIV 8 : 7); IF date IN options THEN IF modified <= 0 THEN write('unknown' : 9) ELSE writedate(modified); itemsput := succ(itemsput); itemsonline := succ(itemsonline) MOD perline; END ELSE IF status = chr(255) THEN itemsfree := succ(itemsfree) ELSE IF status <> chr(0) THEN (* eliminate dir entry *) itemsrejected := succ(itemsrejected); END; END; (* putitem *) (* 3---------------3 *) PROCEDURE showdir(root : dirptr); BEGIN (* showdir *) IF root <> NIL THEN BEGIN showdir(root^.left); putitem(root); showdir(root^.right); END; END; (* showdir *) (* 3---------------3 *) BEGIN (* display *) dater(dateline); writeln(dateline, 'Library ', fnm); FOR hlgh := 1 TO maxhead DO hd[hlgh] := ' '; hlgh := 1; (*$s-*) hd[hlgh FOR 4] := 'Name'; hd[hlgh + 9 FOR 3] := 'Typ'; hlgh := hlgh + 13; IF sectors IN options THEN BEGIN hd[hlgh FOR 7] := 'Sectors'; hlgh := hlgh + 8; END; IF kbytes IN options THEN BEGIN hd[hlgh FOR 6] := 'Kbytes'; hlgh := hlgh + 7; END; IF date IN options THEN BEGIN hd[hlgh FOR 8] := 'Modified'; hlgh := hlgh + 9; END; (*$s+*) perline := (scrnsize + 2) DIV succ(hlgh); hlgh := hlgh - 2; (* started at 1 and final blank allocated *) write(hd : hlgh); FOR i := 2 TO perline DO write(' ' : 3, hd : hlgh); writeln; FOR j := 1 TO hlgh DO write('-'); FOR i := 2 TO perline DO BEGIN write(' ' : 3); FOR j := 1 TO hlgh DO write('-'); END; (* first output item does the writeln *) itemsput := 0; itemsrejected := 0; itemsfree := 0; itemsonline := 0; linesput := 2; IF group IN options THEN BEGIN sortdir(root, bygroup, displayroot); options := options - [group, name, nosort]; END; IF name IN options THEN BEGIN sortdir(root, byname, displayroot); options := options - [name, nosort]; END; IF nosort IN options THEN BEGIN sortdir(root, unsorted, displayroot); options := options - [nosort]; END; showdir(displayroot); writeln; writeln(itemsput : 1, ' entries, ', itemsrejected : 1, ' inactive, ', itemsfree : 1, ' free entries'); writeln; END; (* display *) (* 2---------------2 *) BEGIN (* docommands *) root := NIL; options := [lopen]; fnm[1] := ' '; REPEAT IF interactive THEN BEGIN IF status(libfile) <> 0 THEN write(fnm : pred(scanfor(' ', fnm, fnmsize))) ELSE write('?'); prompt('>'); END; skipredirection(cf); exit := eoln(cf) OR eof(cf); IF NOT exit THEN BEGIN IF cf^ = '-' THEN fill(options, {from} cf) ELSE options := [lopen, nosort]; skipredirection(cf); IF cf^ IN fnchars THEN options := options + [lopen]; IF bad IN options THEN BEGIN signal(badoption); options := options - [bad]; IF interactive THEN readln ELSE exit := true; END ELSE BEGIN IF (lopen IN options) THEN open ELSE IF status(libfile) = 0 THEN signal(needlib); exit := (status(libfile) = 0); IF interactive THEN readln; IF exit THEN BEGIN IF interactive THEN exit := false; (* only null line *) options := options + [lopen]; END ELSE display({libfile directory} options); END; END; UNTIL exit; END; (* docommands *) (* 1---------------1 *) BEGIN (* ldir *) fnchars := [succ(' ')..'~'] (* ascii coding dependant *) - ['=', ',', '_', '.', ',', ';', '<', '>', '[', ']']; IF exists(cmd) THEN BEGIN skipredirection(cmd); IF NOT eoln(cmd) THEN docommands(cmd, false) ELSE BEGIN signon; docommands(input, true); END; END ELSE BEGIN signon; docommands(input, true); END; END. (* ldir *)