Using CCPXTEND on RCPM systems for sysop convenience. For RCPM use, to enable sysops to run selected programs, patch the following locations: (ver 1.6, LRUN 2.0.6) Address Was Is Purpose ======= === == ======= 103 41='A' 43='C' (ex). Drive to search for prog. 104 0 0e=14 (ex). User # to search for prog. 109 52='R' 20=' ' (disable extra search, if desired) 488 c8=rz 00=nop enable search when altuser=currentuser Executing CCPXTEND (renamed RUN, and possibly passworded with PASSWD31), as: d>run progname [normal_command_tail_for_progname] causes a search of the specified Drive/user (in 103/104h) for the program, followed by a search for a component of COMMAND.LBR on the default user, alternate drive (in 103h), followed by a search for a component of COMMAND.LBR on the altuser,altdrive (specified by 103/104h). If the program is found on any of these locations it is loaded and passed the complete command tail. Programs for SYSOP use can be mounted on C14: (in the example), either alone or in COMMAND.LBR. Access is controlled completely by the PASSWORD component. The sysop can now log into the UPLOAD are, for example, and RUN anything on c14: to manage the system. MDM730 (and others) can have a function key programmed to supply the password, if desired. WHEEL byte access can be controlled by modifying PASSWD31 to access a wheel byte and bypass password checking. C.B. Falconer