Unidisk 3.5 disk driver for the PCPI Applicard 3-Apr-87 ---------------------------------------------- This library contains an Applicard driver for the 3.5" 800K disk drive. It was developed specifically for the Central Point Software Universal Disk Controller and 800K drive, but should work with the standard Apple 800K drive as it follows the ProDos conventions for a block device. The driver is called UNIDSK.DVR. The library also contains a Turbo Pascal program for formatting 800K disks and testing the integrity of the hardware and driver software. It is written to be fairly general and interrogates UNIDSK.DVR for the device attributes, but if you modify UNIDSK.DVR check the formatter program for dependencies. The formatting program is called UNIFMT.COM, and the source is UNIFMT.PAS. Please report any bugs or comments to me at: Bob Fillmore c/o IAD BBS @ (613) 952-2289