PROGRAM lowres; {lores routine test} {Copyright 1984 by N.T.Carnevale. Permission granted for nonprofit use.} {$I PCP.INC} {$I APLGR/G.INC} {$I APLGR/L.INC} VAR ans:char; {for keyboard responses} scrn:integer; {which lo-res graphics screen to use} h,v:integer; {horizontal and vertical coordinates --top left = 0,0} tint:loreshues; {color used for drawing} PROCEDURE delay; {about 4 second delay} VAR i,j:integer; BEGIN FOR i:=0 TO 500 DO FOR j:=1 TO 500 DO; END; BEGIN lorespatch; {install the register-loading routines} writeln('Low-resolution graphics exerciser'); write('Press return to clear and fill screen 1: '); readln(ans); {can't use lores screen 2} loresgr(1,FULLSCREEN); {display lores screen 2} clear_lores_screen; {clear it} tint:=BLACK; {start with black} FOR v:=0 TO LOVRES-1 DO BEGIN setcolor(tint); {use specified color} hlin(v,0,LOHRES-1); {draw horiz line across screen} IF tint=WHITE THEN tint:=BLACK ELSE tint:=SUCC(tint); {next color to use} END; delay; FOR h:=0 TO LOHRES-1 DO BEGIN setcolor(tint); vlin(h,0,LOVRES-1); {draw vert line down screen} IF tint=WHITE THEN tint:=BLACK ELSE tint:=SUCC(tint); END; delay; textscreen(1); {return to the text display before exit} END. {end of PROGRAM lowres}