;******************************************************* ; ; PCPIVAL.MAC ; ; Clock validation for Applicard clock driver ; ; by S. Hirsch ; ; 8/15/87 ; ;****************************************************** ; .Z80 ; ASEG ; WR65WRD EQU 0FFE9H ;write word to 6502 bios RD65BYT EQU 0FFE0H ;read byte from 6502 ; ; ORG 80H ; DW INITLEN ;length of validation routine DW 0 DB 'PCPI Clk DVR' ; ORG 200H ; START: LD DE,1*256 + (14*4+0C3H) ;command #1 (input status..) to ;char. dev 14 'other' entry CALL WR65WRD CALL RD65BYT ;get clock status OR A RET Z ;return w/ CY clear if no clock ; SCF RET ;CY set if clock present.. ; INITLEN EQU $-START ; END