Brief documentation for CATPCPI.HEX and CATMSFT.HEX These programs constitute version 9.9 of the CP/M modem program for the Apple-Cat II modem board running under either standard Softcard CP/M (not the premium IIeE) or the Pcpi Appli-car (Wordsta starcard) Th previou releas wa APLCAT97 (versio 9. onl containe fe mino change an wa neve released.) NOTE: the release versions of the files will only work with the Apple Cat in Slot #2. If you have a 212a board, it is supported but in the Slot-saver configuration only. This version contains major changes and enhancements over the previous version as follows: 1 Continuou re-dialin o librar number an las numbe dialed is now supported. 2. The program now supports Alternate long distance service via telephone numbers which can be installed by the user. The alternate long distance numbers are summoned by the < and > symbols, and can be imbedded in library numbers or called from the keyboard. This even alows services to work automatically which require that the code be dialed after the number to be called is entered. 3. Changing from pulse to touchtone may now be done within a number, so that you poor folks that still have only pulse dialing available can use MCI or SPRINT. 4. The files are now being provided as unsqueezed HEX files, so that they can be downloaded with Ascii Express Professional in protocol mode. This hopefully will make the prgram easier to obtain. Note that the files are still too large to capture in a single pass with Com-Ware. If Com-ware is all you have, you can probably capture the file you need by using control-s and control-Q to save it in two chunks, and then carefully put the two pieces back together with a word processor (if you use Wordstar for this, you must use non-document mode). 5 Th sourc cod i no bein provide wit thi release hav r assemble th cod t mak i easie t modify i th futur an als t kee th fil siz t minimum. I anyon want t d an developmen wit th program le m know woul b happ t provid th sourc file t anyon wh ca handl them woul b especiall intereste i helpin anyon wh want t mak thi thin wor wit th Premiu Softcar II o th Digita Researc CPM system Yo wil nee t hav Microsoft' A.L.D.S fo th Appl I t wor wit th files. 6 Th dia ton detectio routine wer converte bac t th original 'catpack' configuration. These routines are interrupt driven, so if you have another device in your Apple using interrupts i ma interfere I als ma not sugges tha yo disabl interrupt o othe device befor callin thi program. In any case, the program restores any interrupt vector whic ma hav bee presen i 3FE-3FF Thi chang wa mad becaus thes routine ar muc bette an won' b foole b busy signals and such. Note that the Z-80 interrupt mask is set during dial tone detection. 7. The bug which prevented the S,R,T,E, and L options from working correctly when entered from the CP/M command line has been fixed. The quick entry feature (entering 3 or 2 for baud rate falls into originate mode) has been retained. 8. Control characters can now be optionally trapped (TCT option from command mode) from the CRT. CR,LF,BS,RUB, and TAB are left alone. I did this because I was tired of phone line glitches switching my CRT into inverse video. The toggle is provided if you are doing terminal emulation. 9. MSPEED is now saved in 03Ch for those users who want to switch between this program and XMODEM. This can be patched out if desired (see PATCH.DOC). 10. IDGT is now patchable, in case your telephone office cannot handle high-speed dialing. (see PATCH.DOC). To get the programs running: You will first to need to get the appropriate HEX file for your system. (pcpi or msft) If you download it in the Apple Dos environment yo wil the nee t us eithe Apdo (softcard o Adosxfe (pcpi t mov th fil int th CP/ environment Yo will then need to convert the file into a .COM file. this may be done with the LOAD.COM program which came with your CP/M. Other files you will need are: NUMS0.ASM - this is an ASM compatible file for building your own telephone library, string macros, and alternate long distanc number int th program I i highl recommended that you obtain a copy of the public- domain program MLOAD.COM (at this writing, we are up to MLOAD23) to assist you with this process. PATCH.DO - Thi fil describe th variou user-changeabl features and which bytes control them. CHGLIB.COM- This is a public domain program which has been modified to support modifying the alternate long distance numbers. It is included with this package. It is a nift utilit whic allow yo t chang th telephone number library. MLOAD.COM- Public domain improved loader to assist with patching and initially setting up your strings and phone numbers. Much, much easier to use than DDT or LOAD.COM. Example: MLOAD MODEM=CATPCPI.COM,NUMS0.HEX is all you need to type to overlay the number file automatically! EDFILE.COM- Public domain file/sector oriented editor for easily changing your macro strings and/or telephone numbers. detaile usag manua i no bein provided Thi progra i direc descenden o MODEM7 an i contain goo onlin hel menus I th interna hel function ar stil bafflin t you obtain a copy of the DOC file for MODEM740. This program is operationally very similar. Good luck!....Chris Hays Please send comments, or bug reports to one of the following: L Canad MBBS/RCP -- (818)790-301