BIOSCLK.Z80 is the source for a program to set the time and date of the AMPRO LITTLE BOARD PLUS, BIOS clock when the Ampro is using BIOS Version 3.6 or higher. The program uses 90% of Ampro code and is public for use on Ampro Equip- ment only without consent from Ampro Computers, Inc. In the header of the source is a note on assembling. It states to use the HEX option and create the .COM file using LOAD. This was required in the original code, the present code is a modification and enhanced and I use ZAS and ZLINK from Echelon. NOTE: THIS PROGRAM MUST BE ASSEMBLED WITH THE COMMERCIAL ZAS.COM ASSEMBLER. IT CANNOT BE ASSEMBLED WITH ANY OTHER Z80 ASSEMBLER. If you use the linker remove the ORG statment, its only needed by LOAD.COM from Digital Research. Envoke the help message with /?.............