PROGRAM answer(input, output); (* Runs under BYERSX system. v1.0 85/11/25, C.B. Falconer *) (* Checked on Prometheus 1200 and USR Password modems with *) (* DTR control. Strings are initialized to 20 bytes, and *) (* patchable. If the "execute" string is all blanks it is *) (* not used, else an incoming call chains to that command *) (* in secure mode (forceing disconnect on program exit, *) (* unless the program exits by "ret" to ccp, or by chain.) *) (* Run with "A>answer" or "A>answer [2]" to monitor setup. *) (* with "A>answer [4]" or "A>answer [6] for 2400 baud. *) (* This program compiles and executes under the PascalP *) (* system, which is freely available. Extensions to Std. *) (* Pascal are encapsulated in procedures, for portability. *) (* Extension system procedures may be uncovered by a comp- *) (* ilation with the {$p-} flag set. See also {s-} flags. *) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by *) (* C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden, Conn. 06517 *) (* all rights reserved. (203) 281-1438 *) (* This program may be copied, modified, and used freely. *) (* It may not be sold without the express written permis- *) (* sion of C.B.Falconer. *) (* 1.2 85/12/19. 2400 baud version selected by parm=4, *) (* allowing ENDCALL to control. Arm failure now backs *) (* down to 1200 baud. Eliminated sysop password, since *) (* SETWHEEL covers the function. Avoids two versions. *) (* 1.1 85/12/16. Simplified and renamed ANSWER from BYE. *) (* 1.0 85/12/09. Original release. *) CONST ver = 'ANSWER v1.2 using BYERSX v'; maxstring = 30; xmaxstring = 31; (* maxstring + 1 *) (*$s- non-std Pascal *) bs = (:8:); lf = (:10:); cr = (:13:); eos = (:0:); (* end of string marker *) (*$s+*) debugc = false; (* password input *) debugd = false; (* simulated calls to answer *) (*$i'' *) TYPE systemcall = 0..swrtprotect; baudrate = (baudquery, b110, b300, b450, b600, b710, b1200, b2400, b4800, b9600, b19200); anerror = (noterror, norsx, comminit, baudinit); xstrindex = 0..maxstring; strindex = 1..maxstring; xxstrindex = 1..xmaxstring; string = PACKED ARRAY[xxstrindex] OF char; (* eos terminated *) VAR (* initialized Smart Modem Command strings *) atz, (* init to power up state *) atprime, (* pre-arm, needed for Prometheus *) atinit, (* configure modem *) atnoansw, (* inhibit answering, on exit *) execute, (* Prog. on call, null for none *) password : string; (* initialized passwords, user *) have2400, (* else 1200 baud maximum *) debugm : boolean; (* monitor strings to/from modem *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE readlnstring(VAR f : text; VAR s : string); (* The input string is terminated by eoln (usually cr). *) VAR i : xxstrindex; BEGIN (* readlnstring *) i := 1; WHILE NOT eoln(f) DO IF i < xmaxstring THEN BEGIN read(f, s[i]); i := succ(i); END ELSE get(f); s[i] := eos; readln(f); END; (* readlnstring *) (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION length(VAR s : string) : xstrindex; (* better implemented as a macro. *) BEGIN (* length *) length := pred(scanfor(eos, s, xmaxstring)); (* rangerror for invalid string, with no eos mark *) END; (* length *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE stringupshift(VAR s : string); CONST upconvert = 32; (* ord('a') - ord('A') *) VAR i : xstrindex; BEGIN (* stringupshift *) FOR i := 1 TO length(s) DO IF s[i] IN ['a'..'z'] THEN s[i] := chr(ord(s[i]) - upconvert); END; (* stringupshift *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE stringdeblank(VAR s : string) (* remove trailing blanks, if any *); VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* stringdeblank *) i := length(s); WHILE i > 0 DO IF s[i] <> ' ' THEN i := 0 (* force exit *) ELSE BEGIN s[i] := eos; i := pred(i); END; END; (* stringdeblank *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE stringextend(VAR s : string; ch : char; always : boolean) (* always false prevents extension if the terminal *) (* char is ch, or if the string is null (length=0) *); VAR l : integer; BEGIN (* stringextend *) l := length(s); IF l = 0 THEN BEGIN IF always THEN BEGIN s[1] := ch; s[2] := eos; END; END ELSE IF l < maxstring THEN IF (s[l] <> ch) OR always THEN BEGIN s[succ(l)] := ch; s[l + 2] := eos; END; END; (* stringextend *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE stringclean(VAR s : string) (* This standardizes the portion beyond the eos marker. *); (* Thus straight lexical comparisons can be made. *) (* Because strings are meaningless beyond their length, *) (* this does not affect any other string operations. *) (* Comparisons depend on the fact that eos is zero, so *) (* that a string vs string+suffix compares correctly. *) (* This should be called after any string has been mod- *) (* ified, and before any comparison is made. It need *) (* not be called again unless the string is modified. *) VAR i : xxstrindex; BEGIN (* stringclean *) FOR i := succ(length(s)) TO xmaxstring DO s[i] := eos; END; (* stringclean *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE error(x : anerror; parm : integer); BEGIN (* error *) IF x <> noterror THEN BEGIN CASE x OF norsx: write('BYERSX not running'); comminit: write('Comm. system'); baudinit: write('Baud bad'); END; (* case *) writeln; terminate; END; END; (* error *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE pause(millisecs : integer); VAR junk : integer; BEGIN (* pause *) junk := syscall(dodelay, millisecs); END; (* pause *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE setvalue(s : systemcall; v : integer); VAR junk : integer; BEGIN (* setvalue *) junk := syscall(s, v); END; (* setvalue *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE putchar(c : char); (* to modem port directly *) VAR junk : integer; BEGIN (* putchar *) WHILE syscall(moutstat, 0) = 0 DO (* nothing, wait *); junk := syscall(mout, c); END; (* putchar *) (* 1---------------1 *) (*$x+,n-,d- save options, no range checks no line numbers *) FUNCTION expectchar(VAR c : char; timeout : integer) : boolean; (* Get char from modem if it appears in timeout millisecs *) (* return false if timeout occurs, else true *) VAR junk : boolean; BEGIN (* expectchar *) WHILE (timeout > 0) AND (syscall(minstat, 255) = 0) DO BEGIN timeout := pred(timeout); pause(1); END; IF syscall(minstat, 255) <> 0 THEN BEGIN expectchar := true; c := chr(mask(syscall(min, 0), 127)); IF debugm THEN IF c > ' ' THEN write(c) ELSE writeln('<', ord(c) : 1, '>'); END ELSE IF debugd THEN BEGIN write('-->'); prompt; expectchar := true; IF eoln THEN expectchar := false ELSE read(c); IF c = '|' THEN c := cr; readln; END ELSE expectchar := false; END; (* expectchar *) (*$x- restore options *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE putmdmstring(VAR s : string); VAR i : integer; BEGIN (* putmdmstring *) i := 1; WHILE s[i] <> eos DO BEGIN IF debugm THEN IF s[i] >= ' ' THEN write(s[i]) ELSE write('<', ord(s[i]) : 1, '>'); pause(10); putchar(s[i]); i := succ(i); END; IF debugm THEN writeln; END; (* putmdmstring *) (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION setbaud(b : baudrate) : boolean; (* and change unknown parity/stops to even/1 *) VAR baud : integer; BEGIN (* setbaud *) baud := syscall(sgbaud, 0); (* preserve known parity/stops *) IF mask(baud, 256-64) = 0 THEN baud := baud + 64; (* 1 stop *) IF mask(baud, 64-16) = 0 THEN baud := baud + 48; (* even parity *) baud := mask(baud, 256-16) + ord(b); setbaud := syscall(sgbaud, baud) = baud; END; (* setbaud *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE setaccess; (* to homdrv/homusr *) VAR drv, usr, junk : integer; BEGIN (* setaccess *) drv := syscall(RSX, ghomdrv) - ord('A'); usr := syscall(RSX, ghomusr); IF drv > 0 THEN BEGIN (* not disabled *) poke(4, lsl(usr, 4) + drv); (* set login for CPM exit *) junk := syscall(14, drv); (* set drive *) junk := syscall(32, usr); (* set user *) END; END; (* setaccess *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE chain(VAR ln : string); (* for "chain('xxx')" remove "VAR" above *) VAR junk, i : integer; BEGIN (* chain *) ln[maxstring] := eos; (* ensure terminated *) (*$x+,s-,d- illegal pointer, non-std Pascal, save options *) junk := syscall(26, pointerto(ln)); (* set DMA *) (*$x- restore options *) junk := syscall(47, 255); (* the chain, and log to du *) END; (* chain *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE initialize; VAR c : char; trash : boolean; junk : integer; (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE stringset(VAR s : string); (* remove trailing blanks and append a *) BEGIN (* stringset *) stringdeblank(s); stringextend(s, cr, false); END; (* stringset *) (* 2---------------2 *) BEGIN (* initialize *) (* errors terminate operation *) IF syscall(RSX, enquire) = 0 THEN error(norsx, 0); have2400 := odd(getparm DIV 4); debugm := odd(getparm DIV 2); (* setup modem monitor *) setvalue(swrtprotect, -1); (* write protect everything *) writeln(ver, syscall(RSX, rsxversion) : 1, ', by C.B. Falconer'); (* set critical system state parameters *) setvalue(sgstate, 0); setvalue(sgmodemoff, 0); setvalue(sgnulls, 0); setvalue(sgtimeout, 0); IF syscall(rsx, gomodem) = 0 THEN error(comminit, 0); IF have2400 THEN have2400 := setbaud(b2400); IF NOT have2400 THEN IF NOT setbaud(b1200) THEN error(baudinit, ord(b1200)); (* following organized to ease in/field patching of strings *) (*$s- non-standard 123456789o123456789o12345 *) atz [1 FOR 5] := 'ATZ '; atz [ 6] := eos; atnoansw[1 FOR 10] := 'ATS0=0 '; atnoansw[11] := eos; atprime [1 FOR 10] := 'ATE0Q0 '; atprime [11] := eos; atinit [1 FOR 20] := 'ATE0Q0V0S0=1S2=1M0X1'; atinit [21] := eos; password[1 FOR 20] := 'DDT '; password[21] := eos; execute [1 FOR 20] := ' '; execute [21] := eos; (*$s+ 123456789o123456789o12345 *) stringset(atz); stringset(atprime); stringset(atinit); stringset(atnoansw); stringdeblank(execute); (* for easy lexical comparisons *) stringdeblank(password); stringclean(password); END; (* initialize *) (* 1---------------1 *) PROCEDURE awaitcall; (* times set lower than real, for interpreter execution time *) VAR ch, ch2, ch3 : char; call : boolean; i, t : integer; (* 2---------------2 *) FUNCTION armtoanswer : boolean; (* If the modem is already ringing this fouls *) VAR ch : char; BEGIN (* armtoanswer *) armtoanswer := false; setvalue(RSX, dskstop); (* everything off *) setvalue(RSX, resetnoise); (* initially noise suppress off *) setaccess; (* so initial log-in correct *) setvalue(sgstate, 0); setvalue(RSX, stopmodem); pause(1000); setvalue(RSX, gomodem); IF have2400 THEN BEGIN (* allows removal in BYERSX insert *) IF NOT setbaud(b2400) THEN have2400 := false; END; IF NOT have2400 THEN IF NOT setbaud(b1200) THEN error(baudinit, ord(b1200)); putmdmstring(atz); WHILE expectchar(ch, 300) DO (* nothing, flush port *); putmdmstring(atprime); WHILE expectchar(ch, 200) DO (* nothing, flush port *); putmdmstring(atinit); IF NOT expectchar(ch, 1000) THEN writeln('No arm response') ELSE IF ch <> '0' THEN writeln('Wrong arm response') ELSE IF NOT (expectchar(ch, 100) AND (ch = cr)) THEN writeln('No cr after arm') ELSE armtoanswer := true; END; (* armtoanswer *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE kill; VAR ch : char; BEGIN (* kill *) setvalue(sgstate, 0); setvalue(RSX, stopmodem); setvalue(RSX, resetnoise); (* initially noise suppress off *) writeln('Resetting modem, about 5 sec. delay'); pause(3000); setvalue(RSX, gomodem); putmdmstring(atz); pause(1000); putmdmstring(atnoansw); WHILE expectchar(ch, 200) DO (* nothing, flush *); setvalue(RSX, resetsecure); terminate; END; (* kill *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE abortcheck; (* PascalP peculiar. The readln aborts on 1st char = CTRL-C *) VAR ch : char; BEGIN (* abortcheck *) IF odd(lsr(status(input), 1)) THEN BEGIN (* hardware has char *) setvalue(RSX, resetsecure); writeln; write('Abort check, hit ret: '); prompt; ch := input^; readln; IF ch in ['q', 'Q'] THEN kill (* test not reached on CTL-C *) ELSE setvalue(RSX, setsecure); END; END; (* abortcheck *) (* 2---------------2 *) PROCEDURE setrate(b : baudrate); BEGIN (* setrate *) IF NOT setbaud(b) THEN error(baudinit, ord(b)) ELSE BEGIN CASE b OF b300: write(300 : 1); b1200: write(1200 : 1); b2400: write(2400 : 1); END; (* case *) write(' baud call'); END; END; (* setrate *) (* 2---------------2 *) BEGIN (* awaitcall *) (* using non-std side effects and evaluation order *) REPEAT call := false; i := 5; (* arming tries allowed *) REPEAT IF i < 5 THEN debugm := true; (* monitor on failure *) i := pred(i); IF i = 3 THEN have2400 := false; UNTIL armtoanswer OR (i < 0); IF i < 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('Can''t arm modem'); kill; END ELSE BEGIN WHILE expectchar(ch, 200) DO (* nothing, flush *); writeln('Modem armed, awaiting call. "Q" aborts'); WHILE NOT expectchar(ch, 200) DO abortcheck; (* await ring *) writeln; IF ch <> '2' THEN writeln('Unexpected response ', ch) ELSE IF NOT (expectchar(ch, 500) AND (ch = cr)) THEN writeln('No cr after ring') ELSE BEGIN writeln('Ringing'); i := 100; (* In pcd 200 ms timeout below is really over 1 sec *) (* This is a totally non-critical value *) WHILE (i > 0) AND NOT expectchar(ch, 200) DO BEGIN abortcheck; i := pred(i); END; writeln; IF (i > 0) AND (ch IN ['1', '5']) THEN BEGIN ch2 := ' '; call := expectchar(ch2, 100); WHILE expectchar(ch3, 100) DO (* flush *); IF ch = '5' THEN setrate(b1200) ELSE IF have2400 THEN IF (ch2 = '0') THEN setrate(b2400) ELSE setrate(b300) ELSE setrate(b300); END ELSE write('No carrier'); writeln; END; (* ringing *) END; (* armed *) UNTIL call; END; (* awaitcall *) (* 1---------------1 *) FUNCTION getpassword : boolean; VAR pwd : string; tries : integer; ok : boolean; pwdfile : text; BEGIN (* getpassword *) IF length(password) = 0 THEN getpassword := true ELSE BEGIN tries := 0; ok := true; pause(1000); (*$s-*) IF debugc THEN reset(pwdfile, 'CON ') (* for echo/edit *) ELSE reset(pwdfile, 'KBD '); (* no echo, no edit *) (*$s+*) REPEAT tries := succ(tries); IF NOT ok THEN write('Wrong, '); write('System password : '); prompt; readlnstring(pwdfile, pwd); setvalue(sgstate, 0); write(pwd : length(pwd)); (* local only *) IF debugc THEN setvalue(sgstate, remon) ELSE setvalue(sgstate, remon + carcks); writeln; stringdeblank(pwd); stringclean(pwd); stringupshift(pwd); ok := pwd = password; UNTIL (tries = 3) OR ok; getpassword := ok; END; END; (* getpassword *) (* 1---------------1 *) BEGIN (* answer *) initialize; REPEAT setvalue(RSX, setsecure); (* prevent abort to CPM *) awaitcall; IF debugc THEN setvalue(sgstate, remon) ELSE setvalue(sgstate, remon + carcks); setvalue(sgtimeout, 1); (* no pass in 1 min kills *) pause(2000); (* for remote to set up *) UNTIL getpassword; setvalue(sgtimeout, 5); (* inactivity timeout *) IF length(execute) > 0 THEN chain(execute); setvalue(RSX, resetsecure); (* if here exit to CPM *) END. (* answer *)