/* GEMGRLIB.C 4/11/84 - 09/20/85 Gregg Morris */ /* * Copyright 1999, Caldera Thin Clients, Inc. * This software is licenced under the GNU Public License. * Please see LICENSE.TXT for further information. * * Historical Copyright * ------------------------------------------------------------- * GEM Application Environment Services Version 3.0 * Serial No. XXXX-0000-654321 All Rights Reserved * Copyright (C) 1986 Digital Research Inc. * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* in GSX.EXE */ EXTERN VOID gsx_moff(); EXTERN VOID gsx_mon(); EXTERN GRECT gl_rscreen; EXTERN GRECT gl_rzero; EXTERN WORD xrat, yrat, button, kstate; /* * Routine to watch the mouse while the button is down and * it stays inside/outside of the specified rectangle. * Return TRUE as long as the mouse is down. Block until the * mouse moves into or out of the specified rectangle. */ WORD gr_stilldn(out, x, y, w, h) WORD out, x, y, w, h; { WORD rets[6]; /* compiler had better */ /* put the values out,*/ /* x, y, w, h in the */ /* right order on the */ /* stack to form a */ /* MOBLK */ dsptch(); if ( MU_BUTTON & ev_multi(MU_KEYBD | MU_BUTTON | MU_M1, &out, NULLPTR, 0x0L, 0x0001ff00L, 0x0L, &rets[0]) ) return(FALSE); return(TRUE); } /* gr_stilldn */ VOID gr_setup(color) WORD color; { gsx_sclip(&gl_rscreen); gsx_attr(FALSE, MD_XOR, color); } VOID gr_clamp(xorigin, yorigin, wmin, hmin, pneww, pnewh) WORD xorigin, yorigin; WORD wmin, hmin; WORD *pneww, *pnewh; { *pneww = max(xrat - xorigin + 1, wmin); *pnewh = max(yrat - yorigin + 1, hmin); } VOID gr_scale(xdist, ydist, pcnt, pxstep, pystep) REG WORD xdist, ydist; WORD *pcnt; REG *pxstep, *pystep; { REG WORD i; REG WORD dist; gr_setup(BLACK); dist = (xdist + ydist) / 2; for(i=0; dist; i++) dist /= 2; if (*pcnt = i) { *pxstep = max(1, xdist / i); *pystep = max(1, ydist / i); } else *pxstep = *pystep = 1; } VOID gr_stepcalc(orgw, orgh, pt, pcx, pcy, pcnt, pxstep, pystep) WORD orgw, orgh; REG GRECT *pt; REG WORD *pcx, *pcy; WORD *pcnt, *pxstep, *pystep; { *pcx = (pt->g_w/2) - (orgw/2); *pcy = (pt->g_h/2) - (orgh/2); gr_scale(*pcx, *pcy, pcnt, pxstep, pystep); *pcx += pt->g_x; *pcy += pt->g_y; } VOID gr_xor(clipped, cnt, cx, cy, cw, ch, xstep, ystep, dowdht) WORD clipped; WORD cnt; WORD cx, cy, cw, ch; REG WORD xstep, ystep; WORD dowdht; { do { if (clipped) gsx_xcbox(&cx); else gsx_xbox(&cx); cx -= xstep; cy -= ystep; if (dowdht) { cw += (2 * xstep); ch += (2 * ystep); } } while (cnt--); } VOID gr_draw(have2box, po, poff) WORD have2box; REG GRECT *po; REG GRECT *poff; { GRECT t; gsx_xbox(po); if (have2box) { r_set(&t, po->g_x + poff->g_x, po->g_y + poff->g_y, po->g_w + poff->g_w, po->g_h + poff->g_h ); gsx_xbox(&t); } } WORD gr_wait(po, poff) REG GRECT *po; REG GRECT *poff; { REG WORD have2box; REG WORD down; have2box = !rc_equal(&gl_rzero, poff); /* draw/erase old */ gsx_moff(); gr_draw(have2box, po, poff); gsx_mon(); /* wait for change */ down = gr_stilldn(TRUE, xrat, yrat, 1, 1); /* draw/erase old */ gsx_moff(); gr_draw(have2box, po, poff); gsx_mon(); /* return exit event */ return(down); } /* * Stretch the free corner of an XOR box(w,h) that is pinned at * another corner based on mouse movement until the button comes * up. Also draw a second box offset from the stretching box. */ VOID gr_rubwind(xorigin, yorigin, wmin, hmin, poff, pwend, phend) WORD xorigin, yorigin; WORD wmin, hmin; GRECT *poff; WORD *pwend, *phend; { WORD have2box, down; GRECT o; wm_update(TRUE); gr_setup(BLACK); r_set(&o, xorigin, yorigin, 0, 0); /* clamp size of rubber */ /* box to no smaller */ /* than wmin, hmin */ do { gr_clamp(o.g_x, o.g_y, wmin, hmin, &o.g_w, &o.g_h); down = gr_wait(&o, poff); } while (down); *pwend = o.g_w; *phend = o.g_h; wm_update(FALSE); } /* gr_rubwind */ /* * Stretch the free corner of a XOR box(w,h) that is pinned at * another corner based on mouse movement until the button comes * up. This is also called a rubber-band box. */ VOID gr_rubbox(xorigin, yorigin, wmin, hmin, pwend, phend) WORD xorigin, yorigin; WORD wmin, hmin; WORD *pwend, *phend; { gr_rubwind(xorigin, yorigin, wmin, hmin, &gl_rzero, pwend, phend); } /* * Drag a moving XOR box(w,h) that tracks relative to the mouse * until the button comes up. The starting x and y represent * the location of the upper left hand corner of the rectangle * relative to the mouse position. This relative distance should * be maintained. A constraining rectangle is also given. The * box should not be able to be dragged out of the contraining * rectangle. */ VOID gr_dragbox(w, h, sx, sy, pc, pdx, pdy) WORD w, h; REG WORD sx, sy; GRECT *pc; WORD *pdx, *pdy; { WORD offx, offy, down; GRECT o; wm_update(TRUE); gr_setup(BLACK); gr_clamp(sx+1, sy+1, 0, 0, &offx, &offy); r_set(&o, sx, sy, w, h); /* get box's x,y from */ /* mouse's x,y then */ /* constrain result */ do { o.g_x = xrat - offx; o.g_y = yrat - offy; rc_constrain(pc, &o); down = gr_wait(&o, &gl_rzero); } while (down); *pdx = o.g_x; *pdy = o.g_y; wm_update(FALSE); } /* gr_dragbox */ VOID gr_2box(flag1, cnt, pt, xstep, ystep, flag2) WORD flag1; WORD cnt; GRECT *pt; WORD xstep, ystep; WORD flag2; { REG WORD i; gsx_moff(); for (i=0; i<2; i++) gr_xor(flag1, cnt, pt->g_x, pt->g_y, pt->g_w, pt->g_h, xstep, ystep, flag2); gsx_mon(); } /* * Draw a moving XOR box(w,h) that moves from a point whose upper * left corner is at src_x, src_y to a point at dst_x, dst_y */ VOID gr_movebox(w, h, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty) WORD w, h; REG WORD srcx, srcy; WORD dstx, dsty; { REG WORD signx, signy; WORD cnt, xstep, ystep; GRECT t; r_set(&t, srcx, srcy, w, h); signx = (srcx < dstx) ? -1 : 1; signy = (srcy < dsty) ? -1 : 1; gr_scale(signx*(srcx-dstx), signy*(srcy-dsty), &cnt, &xstep, &ystep); gr_2box(FALSE, cnt, &t, signx*xstep, signy*ystep, FALSE); } /* * Draw an small box that moves from the origin x,y to a spot * centered within the rectangle and then expands to match the * size of the rectangle. */ /* VOID gr_growbox(po, pt) REG GRECT *po; GRECT *pt; { WORD cx, cy; WORD cnt, xstep, ystep; gr_stepcalc(po->g_w, po->g_h, pt, &cx, &cy, &cnt, &xstep, &ystep); gr_movebox(po->g_w, po->g_h, po->g_x, po->g_y, cx, cy); po->g_x = cx; po->g_y = cy; gr_2box(TRUE, cnt, po, xstep, ystep, TRUE); } */ /* * Draw a box that shrinks from the rectangle given down around * a small box centered within the rectangle and then moves to the * origin point. */ /* VOID gr_shrinkbox(po, pt) REG GRECT *po; REG GRECT *pt; { WORD cx, cy; WORD cnt, xstep, ystep; gr_stepcalc(po->g_w, po->g_h, pt, &cx, &cy, &cnt, &xstep, &ystep); gr_2box(TRUE, cnt, pt, -xstep, -ystep, TRUE); gr_movebox(po->g_w, po->g_h, cx, cy, po->g_x, po->g_y); } */ WORD gr_watchbox(tree, obj, instate, outstate) REG LONG tree; REG WORD obj; WORD instate; WORD outstate; { REG WORD out; REG WORD state; GRECT t; gsx_sclip(&gl_rscreen); ob_actxywh(tree, obj, &t); out = FALSE; do { state = (out) ? outstate : instate; ob_change(tree, obj, state, TRUE); out = !out; } while( gr_stilldn(out, t.g_x, t.g_y, t.g_w, t.g_h) ); return( out ); } WORD gr_slidebox(tree, parent, obj, isvert) REG LONG tree; WORD parent; WORD obj; WORD isvert; { GRECT t, c; WORD divnd, divis; ob_actxywh(tree, parent, &c); ob_relxywh(tree, obj, &t); gr_dragbox(t.g_w, t.g_h, t.g_x + c.g_x, t.g_y + c.g_y, &c, &t.g_x, &t.g_y); if ( isvert ) { divnd = t.g_y - c.g_y; divis = c.g_h - t.g_h; } else { divnd = t.g_x - c.g_x; divis = c.g_w - t.g_w; } if (divis) return( mul_div( divnd, 1000, divis) ); else return(0); } VOID gr_mkstate(pmx, pmy, pmstat, pkstat) WORD *pmx, *pmy, *pmstat, *pkstat; { *pmx = xrat; *pmy = yrat; *pmstat = button; *pkstat = kstate; }