;/* EQUATES.A86 1/29/87 - 4/9/87 J. Grant */ ; Memory to allocate for fonts in paragraphs. SD_FONT_MAX equ 5120 ; max memory for screen fonts (80K) PD_FONT_MAX equ 32767 ; max memory for non-screen fonts SD_FONT_FREE equ 640 ; min to leave free (10K) PD_FONT_FREE equ 640 ; min to leave free (10K) FONT_MIN equ 100 ; min memory to allocate in any case ; PCDOS interrupts, errors, and function equates. ALLOCATE equ 48h ; allocate memory function EXEC equ 4bh ; load and execute function EXIT_PROGRAM equ 4ch ; exit program function FILE_CLOSE equ 3eh ; close file function FILE_OPEN equ 3dh ; open file function FILE_CREATE equ 3ch ; create file function FILE_DELETE equ 41h ; delete file function FILE_READ equ 3fh ; read file function FILE_SEEK equ 42h ; position file pointer function FILE_WRITE equ 40h ; write file function FIND_FIRST equ 4eh ; find first matching file function FIND_NEXT equ 4fh ; find next matching file function FREE_MEM equ 49h ; free allocated memory function GET_DIR equ 47h ; return current directory function GET_DRIVE equ 19h ; get current drive function GET_DTA equ 2fh ; get current disk transfer address INPUT_CHARACTER equ 08h ; direct console input function INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY equ 08h ; allocation error: not enough memory LOAD equ 4bh ; load and execute program function PCDOS equ 21h ; function request interrupt PRINT_STRING equ 09h ; print string function SET_DIR equ 3bh ; change current directory function SET_DRIVE equ 0eh ; set current drive function SET_DTA equ 1ah ; set disk transfer address function SETBLOCK equ 4ah ; modify memory block function ; Stack size equate. STACK_SIZE equ 750 ; Equates for offsets in font header of font files (and other font info). DATA_PAGED equ 10h ; font data unavailable flag COMPRESSED equ 0020h ; font data compressed flag ALL_RESIDENT equ 01h ; all associated headers resident USE_FULL_ID equ 2000h ; offset to full font id word FONT_ID equ 0 ; offset to font id POINT_SIZE equ 2 ; offset to font point size FACE_NAME equ 4 ; offset to face name FONT_FILE_NAME_OFF equ 32 ; offset to font file name offset FONT_FILE_NAME_SEG equ 34 ; offset to font file name segment FONT_FIRST_ADE equ 36 ; offset to lowest ade FONT_TOP equ 40 ; offset to top distance MAX_CELL_WIDTH equ 52 ; offset to maximum cell width LEFT_OFF equ 54 ; offset to left offset RIGHT_OFF equ 56 ; offset to right offset FLAGS_WORD equ 66 ; offset to font flags HOR_TABLE_OFF equ 68 ; offset to horizontal table offset HOR_TABLE_SEG equ 70 ; offset to horizontal table segment OFF_TABLE_OFF equ 72 ; offset to offset table offset (!?) OFF_TABLE_SEG equ 74 ; offset to offset table segment DAT_TABLE_OFF equ 76 ; offset to data table offset DAT_TABLE_SEG equ 78 ; offset to data table segment FORM_WIDTH equ 80 ; offset to form width FORM_HEIGHT equ 82 ; offset to form height FONT_PTR_OFF equ 84 ; offset to next font header offset FONT_PTR_SEG equ 86 ; offset to next font header segment NEXT_SET_OFF equ 88 ; offset to multi-set offset NEXT_SET_SEG equ 90 ; offset to mutli-set segment USE_COUNT_LO equ 92 ; offset to use counter (low word) USE_COUNT_HI equ 94 ; offset to use counter (high word) FONT_FILE_DATA_OFF equ 96 ; offset to font file data offset FONT_FILE_DATA_SEG equ 98 ; offset to font file data segment FONT_FILE_DATA_SIZE equ 100 ; offset to font file data size FONT_RESERVED equ 102 ; offset to reserved section FONT_STRINDEX equ 102 ; offset to font string index FONT_HDRLRU_LO equ 104 ; offset to low word of header LRU FONT_HDRLRU_HI equ 106 ; offset to high word of header LRU FONT_GDOS_FLAGS equ 108 ; offset to GDOS font management flags FONT_FULL_ID equ 110 ; offset to full font id word COMPRESSED_SIZE equ 150 ; offset to compressed data size ; Equates for workstation table. WS_ENTRIES equ 8 ; entries in workstation table WS_RES equ 1 ; driver resident bit WS_OPEN equ 2 ; driver open bit ; Equates for offsets in the assignment table. ASS_LENGTH equ 112 ; length of assignment item ASS_NAME_LGTH equ 13 ; length of a file name ASS_WORK_ID equ 0 ; offset to the workstation id ASS_RES_ID equ 2 ; offset to reserved byte ASS_FILE_NAME equ 3 ; offset to driver file name ASS_PATCH equ 16 ; offset to driver patch word (byte) ASS_S_NAME equ 18 ; offset to driver short name ASS_L_NAME equ 31 ; offset to driver long name ASS_S_NAME_LEN equ 13 ; max length of driver short name ASS_L_NAME_LEN equ 81 ; max length of driver long name ASS_NAMES_VALID equ 2 ; mask for bit if ASS_RES_ID, set if ; short and long names are valid ; Equates for offsets in the headers string file. STR_BUFSIZ equ 32 ; length of string structure STR_DATE equ 0 ; offset to font file date STR_TIME equ 2 ; offset to font file time STR_MULTI_ID equ 4 ; offset to multi-section identifier STR_SEEK_LO equ 6 ; offset to multi-section seek (low) STR_SEEK_HI equ 8 ; offset to multi-section seek (high) STR_FILENAME equ 16 ; offset to font file name string ; Equates for offsets in paged font header items. PGHD_LENGTH equ 9 ; length of paged font header items PGHD_INDEX equ 0 ; offset to string index (masked word) PGHD_FACE equ 2 ; offset to face PGHD_SIZE equ 4 ; offset to point size PGHD_TOP equ 5 ; offset to top distance PGHD_DATASIZE equ 7 ; offset to font data size ; Equates for offsets in font header file header. FHFH_PHDLOW equ 0 ; offset to paged header low address FHFH_PHDCOUNT equ 2 ; offset to paged header count FHFH_EFFSIZE equ 4 ; offset to effect buffer size (bytes) ; Equates for font headers. FHDR_SIZE equ 160 ; size of font headers FHDR_MIN equ 8192 ; minimum space for font headers FHDR_MAX equ 16384 ; maximum space for font headers ; Equates for enumeration values. SEL_POINT equ 0 ; point mode SEL_ABSOLUTE equ 1 ; absolute mode ; Equates for ASCII character mnemonics. CR equ 0Dh ; ASCII carriage return character CTL_Z equ 1Ah ; ASCII control-z character LF equ 0Ah ; ASCII line feed character NUL equ 00h ; ASCII null character TAB equ 09h ; ASCII tab character ; Command line switch characters AA equ '/' ; alternate application SW equ '-' ; option switch end