@PROMPT_PTR *** LINES: 4 { Welcome to GEM Setup! This program installs GEM/3 onto your computer. Do you want to install GEM/3 for the first time or change an existing GEM/3 installation? } *** LINES: 2 { Sorry, but you already have the maximum number of devices allowed. Before trying to ADD a new device you must first REMOVE a device. } *** LINES: 1 { The disk you created, GEM DESKTOP is the disk you will use for } *** LINES: 3 { To continue, you will need to have one empty formatted disk ready. If you need to clean off or format a disk, you must exit GEM Setup and return to DOS to do so. } *** LINES: 3 { To continue, you will need to have TWO empty formatted disks ready. If you need to clean off or format a disk, you must exit GEM Setup and return to DOS to do so. } *** LINES: 1 { Label your disk GEM DESKTOP, and insert it in drive |. } *** LINES: 2 { Label one disk GEM STARTUP and the other GEM DESKTOP, and put them aside. } *** LINES: 3 { Can't find the file GEMSETUP.TXT. To run GEMSETUP, insert the disk labeled GEM SYSTEM MASTER DISK into drive A. Logon to drive A. When you see the prompt A>, type GEMSETUP. } *** LINES: 1 { future GEM Desktop sessions. } *** LINES: 1 { To use GEM/3, insert the GEM DESKTOP disk in drive |. When you see } *** LINES: 1 { RESERVED } *** LINES: 1 { Insert the disk labeled | into drive |. } *** LINES: 2 { From the list below, select the graphics card and display installed in your system. } *** LINES: 1 { Select the mouse or tablet you are using from the list below. } *** LINES: 1 { Select a communications port for your mouse or tablet: } *** LINES: 1 { Your current setup is: } *** LINES: 1 { Would you like to: } *** LINES: 1 { Choose item to change: } *** LINES: 1 { Choose item to remove: } *** LINES: 1 { Choose device category to add: } *** LINES: 1 { Select the printer that you intend to use from the list below. } *** LINES: 1 { Select a communications port for your printer: } *** LINES: 1 { Select the plotter that you intend to use from the list below. } *** LINES: 1 { Select a communications port for your plotter: } *** LINES: 1 { Select the camera that you intend to use: } *** LINES: 1 { Select a communications port for your camera: } *** LINES: 1 { Select the scanner that you intend to use: } *** LINES: 2 { Please be sure that you have installed the mouse properly according to the mouse manufacturers instructions. } *** LINES: 2 { Insert a scanner disk containing the file | into drive |. } *** LINES: 1 { This concludes GEM Setup. } *** LINES: 1 { Store the GEM SYSTEM diskettes in a safe place. } *** LINES: 1 { Select a port address for your scanner. } *** LINES: 1 { Select a transfer address for your scanner. } *** LINES: 2 { Can't find file |, Please insert the disk labeled | into drive |. } *** LINES: 3 { Insert your GEM Driver Pack disk into drive |. For additional information on driver packs available from Digital Research, see the Driver Pack Information sheet elsewhere in this package. } *** LINES: 1 { Insert the scanner system communications disk into drive |. } *** LINES: 1 { RESERVED } *** LINES: 2 { From the list below, choose the hard disk onto which you want to install GEM/3. } *** LINES: 2 { You have already installed the maximum number of devices. You must remove a device before you can add this one. } *** LINES: 2 { You have selected more than one device to be connected to a single port Unless you are using a port switch box, you may experience problems. } *** LINES: 2 { You are about to terminate GEM Setup abnormally. Your setup could be incomplete. If you did not want to terminate, choose CONTINUE. } *** LINES: 2 { The two disks you created, GEM Startup and GEM Desktop, are the disks you will use for future GEM Desktop sessions. } *** LINES: 1 { The disk you created, GEM Startup, is the disk you will use for } *** LINES: 1 { future GEM Desktop sessions. } *** LINES: 1 { To use GEM/3, insert the GEM STARTUP disk in drive |. When you see } *** LINES: 1 { the DOS prompt (|:>), type GEM . } *** LINES: 1 { To use GEM Desktop, type GEM at the DOS prompt (|:>). } @CHOICE_PTR *** LINES: 2 {INSTALL NEW CONFIGURATION CHANGE EXISTING CONFIGURATION } *** LINES: 2 {HARD DISK(S) FLOPPY DISKS } *** LINES: 2 {CANCEL CONTINUE } *** LINES: 2 {EXIT TO DOS CONTINUE } *** LINES: 5 {Parallel port #1 (LPT1) Parallel port #2 (LPT2) Parallel port #3 (LPT3) Communications port #1 (COM1) Communications port #2 (COM2) } *** LINES: 2 {CONTINUE SAVE AND EXIT FROM GEM SETUP } *** LINES: 5 {RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED } *** LINES: 1 {OTHER (Driver Pack) } *** LINES: 1 {MORE } *** LINES: 6 {ADD A PRINTER ADD A PLOTTER ADD A CAMERA ADD A SCANNER CHANGE YOUR CURRENT SETUP REMOVE A DEVICE FROM YOUR SETUP } @FOOTER_PTR *** LINES: 1 { Press  or  to move cursor, to choose, to exit/cancel. } *** LINES: 1 { Press for device info,  or  to move cursor, to choose. } *** LINES: 1 { Press to exit/cancel, to continue. } @HVOL_PTR The following strings are disk volume label strings. Each string MUST BE 11 characters long, (i.e. if a string is only 10 characters long then pad the inside with a space. See GEM SYSTEM and GEM SCREEN below) *** LINES: 14 {GEM SYSTEM GEM SCREEN1 GEM SCREEN2 GEM PRINTR1 GEM PRINTR2 GEM PRINTR3 GEM SCREEN GEM PRINTER GEM DRIVRPK GEM DRIVRPK GEM DRIVRPK GEM DRIVRPK GEM DRIVRPK GEM DRIVRPK } @HLAB_PTR The following strings are disk label strings. The XX strings are place holders for driver pack label strings (which come from gemsetup.txt). DO NOT translate the XX's. *** LINES: 14 {GEM SYSTEM MASTER DISK GEM SCREEN DISK #1 GEM SCREEN DISK #2 GEM PRINTER DISK #1 GEM PRINTER DISK #2 GEM PRINTER DISK #3 GEM SCREEN DISK GEM PRINTER DISK XX XX XX XX XX XX } @KEYWORDS_PTR The following strings are unique characters for the gemsetup.txt label strings. *** LINES: 12 {D SH L FI FN M SR FO SCAN P SCAN X SCAN C A } @FLAB_PTR The following strings are floppy disk labels. *** LINES: 2 {GEM DESKTOP DISK GEM STARTUP DISK } @FVOL_PTR The following strings are floppy disk volumes. *** LINES: 2 {GEM DESKTOP GEM STARTUP } The following are isolated messages. @COPY_PTR *** LINES: 1 {Copying file | from | to | ... } @TOO_MANY *** LINES: 2 {I'm sorry, but you are attempting to add too many devices. Please remove an old device before adding a new device. } @D_SPACE *** LINES: 2 {COPY ERROR: Either the disk space is exceeded, or the source or target disk is damaged. Press any key to continue... } # # $Header: gemsetup.msg 89/01/26 15:08:56 pang ER $ #