KNOWN BUGS IN THIS RELEASE (19991223) ------------------------------------- * Problems with the 'Close Window' option - for some obscure reason, probably to do with resource allocation and deallocation, using this too many times crashes the system. On my machine I can open/close a window four times until a crash, which leads me to believe it's got something to do with NUM_WNODES and the global G structure. On a related subject, Ken Mauro and various others have noticed a bug with new Desktops and Desktop 1.2 running under GEM/3. If four windows have been allocated, dialogs no longer respond to mouse click. A workaround for the Desktop was to include a >=150ms delay before calling form_do(), but other applications will suffer from the problem. ( Current workaround: #define SAFE in DESKWIN.H ) * Update on Close Window - the problem is due to fragmentation of the internal window list. When a new window is opened it just picks the next one, regardless of if it's free or not. Closing just takes out the last opened one and makes the active one vanish. * Crashes when changing view mode - I think some window handles are kept when they shouldn't be. CONFIRMED - if the Close Window option hasn't been used it should be fine. * Should highlight Trashcan when dragging to delete. * Bug in DESKAPP.C (probably an easy one) that creates a lot of strange lines after the trashcan when writing out. -- NOTE: This has been worked around in build 19990828 by commenting out the standard file spec code (that deals with generic files, folders and programs). This means you *must have* the correct lines present in DESKTOP.INF. This shouldn't matter on an existing system, as they are created by other Desktops. * Noticed a few bugs on a GEM/2 AES - Invalid Function when setting menu click mode, and a huge slew when changing colours after running an app.