UNERA Version 3.1 - Deleted File "Un-eraser" For CP/M-86, CP/M-86+ & CCP/M-86 by H.H. Van Tassell, 120 Hill Hollow Rd, Watchung NJ 07060 (2-16-84) This is a program to recover erased files in CP/M-86 and is modelled on the UNERA program for CP/M-80. The program reads the directory, sector by sector, listing filenames that have been erased by placing an 0E5H as byte 0. The extent number is also listed. NO check is made to determine if the disk space has been re-allocated to another file after the file was erased. After listing the file names, the user is asked if recovery is desired. A page of help is displayed if the program is invoked with // as the file name. Syntax: UNERA [d:]FILENAME.TYP Filename and/or type may be wildcards. Wildcards may be either ? or * CAUTION! use the * wildcard with care. Using *.* will recover ALL erased filenames. The recoverable file(s) matching the FILNAME.TYP will be listed. You then have an option to quit. Be SURE to check recovered files before using to confirm that they are OK and function properly. If possible, make a CRC check on recovered files. HINT: for best results use UNERA immediately after making an unwanted era- sure, else the space may be re-allocated to another file and recovery is impossible. NOTICE: This program was placed into the Public Domain thru a release to SIG/M. There are NO restrictions whatsoever on its use and me, the author, claims he developed it for his own personal use. You are free to use it, sell it, change it, or give it to your mother-in-law. If you sell it, I hope you make a pile of money. If you change it please don't advise me, and if you give it to your mother-in-law I hereby claim a full defense and hold harmless from that fool. Feel free to make everthing upper or lower case and you can indulge in colonic madness if that turns you on. There is absolutely no style or class to the code and the only defense I can offer is that the program often works for me. I didn't enjoy coding it, and I give no credit to any member of my family for being so understanding while I spend all my time and money on such foolery! It was only done because I am an air-head and often erase the wrong files which makes me very angry. I still erase the wrong files but now I just don't seem to care. Valium would have been just as effective. H.M. Van Tassell