GREP - Search a file for a pattern A>grep [-options] pattern [ud:]file [file file ... ] [>output_file] More than one option may be specified. 'file' may be an ambiguous file name, and may include a user/drive specification. Example: 12b:foo*.?q? 'pattern' may be enclosed in double quotes ("includes blanks ") to include white-space. Grep finds lines in file[s] matching pattern. Options: -v Variant: all lines except matches -c Count of matching lines -l List of filenames containing pattern -n Line numbers of lines which match -i Lower case pattern will match only lower case in file -p Ask for pattern (allows input of mixed case) -t Verbose, show search detail The pattern is constructed according to UNIX regular-expression conventions. The regular-expression defines the pattern to search for. Blank lines never match. 'x' An ordinary character (not mentioned below) matches itself. '\' The backslash quotes any character. "\$" matches a dollar-sign. '^' A circumflex at the beginning of an expression matches the beginning of a line. '$' A dollar-sign at the end of an expression matches the end of a line. '.' A period matches any character except "new-line" ':a' A colon matches a class of characters described by the following ':d' character. ":a" matches any alphabetic, ":d" matches digits, ':n' ":n" matches alphanumerics, ": " matches spaces, tabs, and ': ' other control characters, such as new-line. '*' An expression followed by an asterisk matches zero or more occurrances of that expression: "fo*" matches "f", "fo" "foo", etc. '+' An expression followed by a plus sign matches one or more occurrances of that expression: "fo+" matches "fo", etc. '-' An expression followed by a minus sign optionally matches the expression. '[]' A string enclosed in square brackets matches any character in that string, but no others. If the first character in the string is a circumflex, the expression matches any character except "new-line" and the characters in the string. For example, "[xyz]" matches "xx" and "zyx", while "[^xyz]" matches "abc" but not "axb". A range of characters may be specified by two characters separated by "-". Note that [a-z] matches alphabetics, while [z-a] never matches. The concatenation of regular expressions is a regular expression.