; MACPRL- This submit file expects a file name as a single ; parameter and generates a file of PRL type, e.g.: ; 0A>SUBMIT MACPRL DUMP ; (Note: the DUMP.ASM file on the distribution diskette does ; not have the necessary ORG's for this submit. The following ; operation must be done prior to using this submit: ; 0A>PIP DUMP.ASM=BASE0100.ASM,DUMP.ASM ; mac $1 $$pzsz ;;;; use the following line if a listing is desired ;mac $1 $$pp+s era $1.hx0 ren $1.hx0=$1.hex mac $1 $$+rpzsz pip $1.hex=$1.hx0,$1.hex era $1.hx0 genmod $1.hex $1.prl era $1.hex