{*-----------------------------------* | PASMAT: PAScal source code forMAT | *-----------------------------------*} {$K0} {$K7} {$K12} {$K13} {$K14} {$K15} (* {$Q2 for parser recursion} *) program pasmat; {$p---------------------* | Labels and Constants | *----------------------*} const titleheader = 'Pasmat 3.15, revised 22 Mar 83'; maxlinelen = 132; {max output line length} bufsize = 134; {output buffer size, > maxlinelen} maxwordlen = 9; {reserved words char size} noreswords = 53; {number of reserved words} defaultoutline = 72; {default output line length} defaulttabspaces = 2; {logical indentation increments} defaultcomentspaces = 1; {spacing before and after comments} tab = 9; {ord of tab character} tabinterval = 8; {standard tab interval for CP/M} stacksize = 256; {extra hardware stack size} ibufsize = 2047; {size of input buffer - 1} {$p------* | Types | *-------*} type symbols = (abslutesy, andsy, arraysy, beginsy, casesy, constsy, divsy, dosy, downtosy, elsesy, endsy, externsy, filesy, forsy, forwardsy, funcsy, gotosy, ifsy, insy, intruptsy, labelsy, modsy, modendsy, modulesy, nilsy, notsy, ofsy, orsy, othwisesy, packedsy, procsy, programsy, recordsy, repeatsy, setsy, stringsy, thensy, tosy, typesy, untilsy, varsy, whilesy, withsy, plus, minus, mult, divide, becomes, period, comma, semicolon, colon, equal, notequal, lessthan, lessequal, greatequal, greatthan, pointer, subrange, apostrophy, openparen, closeparen, openbrack, closebrack, identifier, number, stringcon, coment, textend, dummysy); {basic symbol enumeration} setofsyms = set of symbols; {set ops on basic symbols} wordtype = packed array [1..maxwordlen] of char; {reserved} lentabletype = {index into reserved word table by length} record lowindex, hiindex: 1..noreswords; end; lineindex = 0..maxlinelen; actions = (graphic, spaces, beginline); bufferindex = 0..bufsize; {output buffer index} charbuffer = array [bufferindex] of record case actionis: actions of spaces, beginline: (spacing: lineindex); graphic: (character: char) end; collog = record logchar: integer; {charcount at time of log} logcol: lineindex; {writecol at time of log} logline: integer; {currentline at time of log} end; abortkind = (syntax, nesting, comformat); {error types} stringp = ^string; {$p----------* | Variables | *-----------*} var {CP/M interface control variables} @sfp: external integer; {initial stack pointer} strptr: stringp; clinearg: string[127]; {Structured Constants} stdsyms: setofsyms; {symbols valid in standard pascal} validdirectives: set of char; {valid formatter directives} spacebefore, spaceafter: setofsyms; {individual symbol spacing} alphanumerics: setofsyms; {alpha symbols} resvwrd: array [1..noreswords] of wordtype; {reserved word table} ressymbol: array [1..noreswords] of symbols; {symbols for resvwrd} reslen: array [2..maxwordlen] of lentabletype; { length index} digits, letters: set of char; uppercase: array [char] of char; lowercase: array [char] of char; {case conversion tables} progset, blockbegsys, statset: setofsyms; {syntactic symbol types} cnstnts: setofsyms; {symbols which can be constants} headingbegsys: setofsyms; {symbols which begin a block heading} typebegsys: setofsyms; {type beginning symbols} exprbegsys: setofsyms; {expression beginning symbols} relops: setofsyms; {relational operators} arithops: setofsyms; {arithmetic operators} {Formatting variables} indent: integer; {current number of indentation spaces} statindent: integer; {indentation for major statement} writecol: integer; {current output column} symbolbreak: integer; {break symbol for putsym} breakcol: integer; {output column for putsym} lastsym: symbols; {last symbol processed} symwritten: boolean; {last symbol was written} indentstate: array [lineindex] of lineindex; indentlevel: lineindex; {these make a stack of indent levels} {comment formatting} statbreak: integer; {character where line can be broken} statblanks: boolean; {set if blank was last char} firstinputline: boolean; {set if first input line} {miscellaneous} outputline: integer; {line numbers for output} currentline: integer; {line number being written} inputline: integer; {input line number} linenumber: integer; {Formatting Control Values} outlinelen: integer; {current output line length} onehalfline: integer; {significant point upon line} fiveeighthline: integer; { "} threefourthline: integer; {"} tabspaces: integer; {spaces to indent for each level} continuespaces: integer; {spaces to indent continuation line} comentspaces: integer; {spaces before statement comment} statsperline: integer; {statements per line} {Flags to direct formatting} ucreswords: boolean; {convert reserved words to UC} ucidents: boolean; {convert identifiers to UC} litcopy: boolean; {copy identifiers and reserved words literally} portabilitymode: boolean; {eliminate underscores} formatting: boolean; {do formatting (otherwise, copy)} newformatting: boolean; {start formatting at end of comment} bunching: boolean; {bunch statements on one line} silentmode: boolean; {don't even generate error messages} {lexical scanner variables} symbolfound: boolean; {success from lexical analysis} newinputline: boolean; {true when no chars as yet on new line} endfile: boolean; {eof read} blankline: boolean; {true when blank line is ok to output} ch: char; {current character for lexical analysis} doubleperiod: boolean; {set if double period found} column: integer; {input column for last char input} sym: symbols; {current basic symbol from lex} symbol: array [lineindex] of char; {workspace for lex analysis} symlen: 0..maxlinelen; {index into WINDOW array} {output character buffering} unwritten: charbuffer; {unwritten characters} charcount: integer; {characters written so far} oldest: bufferindex; {oldest char in buffer} {error handling variables} overflows: 0..maxint; {number of line overflows} firstoverflow: 0..maxint; {line where first overflow occured} comoverflows: 0..maxint; {number of comment overflows} firstcomoverflow: 0..maxint; {line of first comment overflow} external function @cmd: stringp; external procedure initialize; {file i/o entry points} external procedure abort(line: integer; kind: abortkind); external procedure comentoverflow; external procedure finaldata; external procedure flushbuffer; external procedure getchar; external function getfiles: boolean; external procedure lineoverflow; external procedure writea(ch: char); {comment entry points} external procedure comentchar; external procedure commanddirectives; {parser entry points} external procedure doprogram; external procedure doblock; external procedure statlist; {$p-----------------* | Output Utilities | *------------------*} procedure newline(indent: lineindex); begin {start a new line and indent it as specified} {fake a character, then change it} writea(' '); with unwritten[oldest] do begin actionis := beginline; spacing := indent; end; writecol := indent; currentline := currentline + 1; end; {newline} procedure printline(indent: integer); begin {print a line for formatting} if formatting then begin if blankline and (currentline > 0) then newline(0); newline(indent); end; blankline := false; symbolbreak := 0; end; {printline} procedure space(n: integer); begin {space n characters} if formatting then begin writea(' '); with unwritten[oldest] do begin actionis := spaces; if n > 0 then spacing := n else spacing := 0; end; writecol := writecol + n - 1; end; end; {space} procedure flushsymbol; var p: lineindex; {induction var} begin {flush any accumulated characters in the buffer} if not symwritten then begin symwritten := true; newline(writecol); for p := 1 to symlen do writea(symbol[p]); end; flushbuffer; newline(column); end; {flushsymbol} {$p--------------------* | Indentation Control | *---------------------*} procedure indentplus(delta: integer; line: integer); begin {increment indentation and check for overflow} if indentlevel > maxlinelen then abort(line, nesting); indentlevel := indentlevel + 1; indentstate[indentlevel] := indent; indent := indent + delta; if indent > outlinelen then indent := outlinelen else if indent < 0 then indent := 0; end; {indentplus} procedure undent; begin {reset indent to the last value} indent := indentstate[indentlevel]; indentlevel := indentlevel - 1; end; {undent} {$p-------------------------* | Lexical Scanner, Utility | *--------------------------*} {Place characters of current basic symbol on output TARGET line. Invoke lexical analysis to assemble next basic symbol in WINDOW and determine type. SYM is set equal to symbol type. Comments are transparent to the analysis. } procedure symbolput(thischar: char); begin {ch to symbol} symlen := symlen + 1; symbol[symlen] := thischar; getchar; end {symbolput} ; {*------------* | print char | *------------*} procedure printchar; begin {print ASCII chars not belonging to Pascal} if writecol >= outlinelen then printline(indent + continuespaces); if formatting then writea(ch); getchar; end {printchar} ; {*-------------* | scanblanks | *-------------*} procedure scanblanks; begin {scan off blanks in the input} while ((ch = ' ') or (ch = chr(tab))) and not endfile do getchar; end; {$p----------------* | String Constant | *-----------------*} procedure stringcnstnt; var stringend: boolean; begin {character string to symbol} newinputline := false; symbolfound := true; sym := stringcon; stringend := false; repeat symbolput(ch); if ch = '''' then begin symbolput(ch); stringend := ch <> '''' end; until newinputline or stringend; if not stringend then abort(linenumber, syntax); end {stringcnstnt} ; {$p------------------------* | Test for Reserved Words | *-------------------------*} procedure testresvwrd; var id: wordtype; index: 1..noreswords; p: 1..maxwordlen; begin {$R- test for reserved word} sym := identifier; {default} if (2 <= symlen) and (symlen <= maxwordlen) then begin {possible length} for p := 1 to maxwordlen do if p > symlen then id[p] := ' ' else id[p] := lowercase[symbol[p]]; with reslen[symlen] do begin {length index search} index := lowindex; while index <= hiindex do if resvwrd[index] = id then begin sym := ressymbol[index]; exit end else index := index + 1; end {length index search} ; end {possible length} end { $ R + testresvwrd} ; {$p----------------------------* | Identifier or Reserved Word | *-----------------------------*} procedure alphachar; var p: lineindex; {induction var} lastunderscore: boolean; {true if last char underscore} begin {identifier or reserved word to symbol} newinputline := false; symbolfound := true; lastunderscore := true; while ch in letters + digits do begin if portabilitymode then begin if ch = '_' then begin lastunderscore := true; getchar; end else if lastunderscore then begin lastunderscore := false; symbolput(uppercase[ch]); end else symbolput(lowercase[ch]) end else symbolput(ch); end; {while} testresvwrd; if sym = identifier then begin if not (litcopy or portabilitymode) then if ucidents then for p := 1 to symlen do symbol[p] := uppercase[symbol[p]] else for p := 1 to symlen do symbol[p] := lowercase[symbol[p]] end else {reserved word} begin if portabilitymode or (not litcopy) then if ucreswords then for p := 1 to symlen do symbol[p] := uppercase[symbol[p]] else for p := 1 to symlen do symbol[p] := lowercase[symbol[p]]; end; end {alpha char} ; {$p-------* | Number | *--------*} procedure hexcnstnt; begin {hexadecimal number to symbol} newinputline := false; symbolfound := true; sym := number; symbolput(ch); { '$' } while ch in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'] do symbolput(uppercase[ch]); end {hexcnstnt} ; procedure numericchar; begin {unsigned number to symbol} newinputline := false; symbolfound := true; sym := number; if ch = '#' then symbolput(ch); while ch in digits do {integer or fractional portion} symbolput(ch); if ch = '.' then begin symbolput(ch); if ch = '.' then begin {actually subrange, must fudge} symlen := symlen - 1; {erase period} doubleperiod := true; end else while ch in digits do symbolput(ch); end; if (ch = 'E') or (ch = 'e') then begin {exponential portion} symbolput('E'); if (ch = '+') or (ch = '-') then {sign} symbolput(ch); while ch in digits do {characteristic} symbolput(ch); end {exponential} else if ch = '$' then hexcnstnt; end {numeric char} ; {$p------------------* | Special Character | *-------------------*} procedure specialchar; begin {operators or delimiters to symbol} symbolfound := true; {untrue only for comments} newinputline := false; case ch of {special symbols} '+': begin {plus} sym := plus; symbolput(ch); end; '-': begin {minus} sym := minus; symbolput(ch); end; '*': begin {multiply} sym := mult; symbolput(ch); end; '/': begin {divide} sym := divide; symbolput(ch); end; '.': begin {subrange or period} sym := period; symbolput(ch); if doubleperiod then begin {fudge a subrange} symbol[2] := '.'; symlen := 2; sym := subrange; end else if ch = '.' then begin {subrange} sym := subrange; symbolput(ch); end; {subrange} doubleperiod := false; end; ',': begin {comma} sym := comma; symbolput(ch); end; ';': begin {semicolon} sym := semicolon; symbolput(ch); end; ':': begin {becomes, or colon} sym := colon; symbolput(ch); if ch = '=' then begin {becomes} sym := becomes; symbolput(ch); end end; '=': begin {equals} sym := equal; symbolput(ch); end; '<': begin {less than, less equal, not equal} sym := lessthan; symbolput(ch); if ch = '=' then begin {less than or equal} sym := lessequal; symbolput(ch); end else if ch = '>' then begin {not equal} sym := notequal; symbolput(ch); end end; '>': begin {greater equal, greater than} sym := greatthan; symbolput(ch); if ch = '=' then begin {greater than or equals} sym := greatequal; symbolput(ch); end end; '^': begin {pointer} sym := pointer; symbolput('^'); end; '''': stringcnstnt; ')': begin {close parenthesis} sym := closeparen; symbolput(ch); end; '[': begin {open bracket} sym := openbrack; symbolput(ch); end; ']': begin {close bracket} sym := closebrack; symbolput(ch); end; '~', '?': begin {bitwise 'not'} sym := notsy; symbolput(ch); end; '!', '|': begin {bitwise 'or'} sym := orsy; symbolput(ch); end; '&': begin {bitwise 'and'} sym := andsy; symbolput(ch); end; end {case} ; end {specialchar} ; {$p--------------------------* | Get Next Symbol (getsym) | *---------------------------*} procedure getsym; begin {extract next basic sym from text} symlen := 0; symbolfound := false; symwritten := false; repeat scanblanks; if endfile then begin sym := textend; symbolfound := true end else if ((ord(ch) >= 0) and (ord(ch) <= 31)) or (ord(ch) = 127) then getchar else case ch of {lexical analysis} '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '$', '#': numericchar; 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '@', '_': alphachar; ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '[', ']', '^', '''', '~', '?', '!', '|', '&': specialchar; '(', '{': comentchar; '%', '\', '`', '}', '"': printchar; end {case} until symbolfound end {getsym} ; {$p-------* | Putsym | *--------*} procedure putsym; var before: lineindex; {spaces before this character} symindent: integer; {indentation before this symbol} i: lineindex; {induction var} overflowerror: boolean; {delays error message till symbol printed} function spacesbefore(thissym, oldsym: symbols): lineindex; var spbefore: lineindex; begin {determine the number of spaces before a symbol} if ((thissym in alphanumerics) and (oldsym in alphanumerics)) or (thissym in spacebefore) or (oldsym in spaceafter) then spbefore := 1 else spbefore := 0; spacesbefore := spbefore; end; {spacesbefore} begin {putsym: put the current symbol to the output, taking care of spaces before the symbol. This also handles full lines, and tries to break lines at a convenient place} overflowerror := false; before := spacesbefore(sym, lastsym); if before + symlen + writecol > outlinelen then begin {must handle an end of line} if formatting and (symbolbreak > 0) and (charcount - symbolbreak < bufsize) and (before + symlen + indent + writecol - breakcol <= outlinelen) then begin with unwritten[symbolbreak mod bufsize] do begin actionis := beginline; spacing := indent end; writecol := writecol - breakcol + indent; currentline := currentline + 1; end else begin {no good break spot, break it here} symindent := outlinelen - symlen; if symindent > indent then symindent := indent else if symindent < 0 then begin symindent := 0; overflowerror := true; end; printline(symindent); end; symbolbreak := 0; end; {if line overflow} if unwritten[oldest].actionis = beginline then before := 0; if before > 0 then if formatting and (symbolbreak = charcount) then with unwritten[symbolbreak mod bufsize] do begin writecol := writecol - spacing + before; spacing := before; end else space(before); if formatting then for i := 1 to symlen do writea(symbol[i]); lastsym := sym; symwritten := true; if overflowerror then lineoverflow; end; {putsym} {$p------------------------* | Parser Utility Routines | *-------------------------*} {*---------* | nextsym | *---------*} procedure nextsym; begin {output current sym and input next} if sym <> textend then begin {symbol} if not symwritten then putsym; getsym; end {symbol} end {nextsym} ; {*-----------* | Check sym | *-----------*} procedure checksym(desired: symbols; line: integer); begin if sym = desired then nextsym else abort(line, syntax); end; {checksym} {*-----------------* | Next on newline | *-----------------*} procedure nextonnewline(spacing, delta: integer); begin {space "spacing" lines, indent, put new symbol, and increment indent by "delta"} if blankline or (currentline = 0) then spacing := spacing - 1; repeat if spacing > 0 then printline(0) else printline(indent); spacing := spacing - 1; until spacing < 0; indentplus(delta, linenumber); statindent := indent; nextsym; end; {nextonnewline} {*------------------* | Set symbol break | *------------------*} procedure setsymbolbreak; begin {mark a good spot to break a line} space(0); symbolbreak := charcount; breakcol := writecol; end; {setsymbolbreak} {*------------------* | Log symbol start | *------------------*} procedure logsymbolstart(var log: collog); begin {log the starting loc of the next symbol} with log do begin logchar := charcount + 1; logcol := writecol + 1; logline := currentline; end; end; {logsymbolstart} {$p-------------------* | Statement bunching | *--------------------*} procedure bunch(start: collog; {start of statement} var success: boolean); begin {move a statement up to the previous line if it will fit} with start do if formatting and (charcount - logchar < bufsize) and (logline + 1 = currentline) and (writecol - indent + logcol < outlinelen) then begin {move it up, adjusting things as we go} with unwritten[logchar mod bufsize] do begin actionis := spaces; spacing := 1; writecol := writecol - indent + logcol + 1; end; currentline := currentline - 1; success := true; end else success := false; end; {bunch} {*-----------------* | Bunchstatements | *-----------------*} procedure bunchstatement(start: collog); var tabint: integer; {tab interval} nexttab: integer; {next tab location} begin {see if we can put multiple statements on a line} if formatting then with start do begin tabint := (outlinelen - indent) div statsperline; if tabint = 0 then tabint := 1; if logcol = indent + 1 then logcol := indent; {fudge for start} nexttab := (logcol - indent + tabint - 1) div tabint * tabint + indent; if (nexttab > indent) and (logline + 1 = currentline) and (charcount - logchar < bufsize) and (nexttab + writecol - indent <= outlinelen) then begin {move up to prior line and fiddle pointers} with unwritten[logchar mod bufsize] do begin actionis := spaces; spacing := nexttab - logcol + 1; end; writecol := nexttab + writecol - indent; currentline := currentline - 1; end; end; end; {bunchstatement} {$P--------------------------* | PROGRAM LOOP: processtext | *---------------------------*} procedure processtext; begin {processtext} if sym in progset then doprogram else if sym in blockbegsys then repeat doblock until sym <> semicolon else if sym in statset then statlist; if sym <> textend then abort(linenumber, syntax); flushbuffer; end {processtext} ; {*--------------* | BEGIN PASMAT | *--------------*} begin {pasmat} (* @sfp := @sfp - stacksize; {more stack space} *) strptr := @cmd; {get command line} clinearg := strptr^; initialize; commanddirectives; if not silentmode then writeln(titleheader); getchar; {lead one char} getsym; {lead one symbol} processtext; finaldata; end {pasmat} .