Notes on NZBLITZ 1.0 - April 25, 1990 NZBLITZ is Copyright (c)1988,89,90 Cameron W. Cotrill - All Rights Reserved. NZBLITZ is released to the public domain for non-commercial use only. NZBLITZ is an NZCOM utility that permits saving and direct loading of system images. NZBLITZ started life during development of NZCOM. In greatly expanded form, it became the /C (clone) option. However, NZBLITZ still does things than the /C option can't. In part, this is due to NZBLITZ being a very simple minded utility. NZBLITZ doesn't look to see what elements of the running system can or should be saved (TCAPS, MCL, Shell Stack, etc). It simply replaces everything from CCP up to CBIOS with the new system, writes NZCOM.CCP to disk (to A0: by default), then boots the new system. This strategy has several very significant side effects. First, the ENTIRE user environment is replaced - this includes Shells, RCP, FCP, IOP, TCAPS, DOS, CCP, and in the case of ZSDOS and ZDDOS the clock and stamp drivers that live in the NZCOM user area! This allows a cold load of a system - full up with drivers, shells, path, and options set as you want in very short order - 4 seconds on my hard disk system. By comparison, a startup alias to load the same system by "traditional" methods would take 14 seconds. This also means that system changes using NZBLITZ can't be done as part of a script! For that matter, neither can system saves. Saving a system is a simple as typing NZBLITZ sysnam[.com]. If you forget the syntax, NZBLITZ responds to the usual ZCPR help request, as well as '?' or a null command tail. If the filetype is blank, NZBLITZ will assume .COM. If you want to run a series of commands after the system image loads, simply enter the desired commands after the NZBLITZ invocation. NZBLITZ will save these commands and flush the multiple command line after saving the system. For example, if you want to set the clock and display the directory on every system startup, you would save the system using the command: NZBLITZ SYSTEM;CLOCK;DIR The CLOCK and DIR commands will not run until the system image is loaded. The files created by NZBLITZ are stand-alone COM files, complete with loader. These COM files also respond to ZCPR style help. Though these files contain a ZCPR header, they do not require a Z-system in order to run. This is no accident, as the primary purpose for the NZBLITZ is to cold start NZCOM systems. Aside from speed in loading a fully configured system, NZBLITZ can be very useful for saving space on floppy systems. Because NZCOM is not needed (nor NZCOM.LBR) once the COM file is created, there can be a savings in disk space if you typically use one standard system. The NZBLITZ loader includes some new tricks suggested by Carson Wilson to speed the load process. The write of NZCOM.CCP may be supressed by a /F on the command line. If you use this option, be CERTAIN that NZCOM.CCP runs at the same address the system you are going to load does. Otherwise, the system will crash - and quickly! Secondly, the loader uses a function 37 reset, then exits directly to the CCP (which issues a function 13 reset right away). NZBLITZ correctly re-logs user areas greater than 15 on system changes. Special thanks to Howard Goldstein for suggesting how this could be done. Please back up all files before using NZBLITZ and remember that you use NZBLITZ at your own risk. Please address any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. to Cameron W. Cotrill on the Ladera Z-Node 213/670-9465.