Program PD; { Author: Joe Wright Date: 22 Sep 89 Version: 0.1 Poorman's version of PWD.COM to demonstrate NZ-TOOL.BOX and access to the Z3NDIR structure. } { Compiled with End Address of 3000 hex. } {$I} Var NDIR : ndrptr; X, Y : Integer; Begin ndir := Ptr(getndr); name := namstr(z3eadr^.extfcb^.name); y := 7; x := 25; ClrScr; WriteLn('Print Working Directories'); if[1] = '/' then Begin WriteLn(' Syntax: ',name,' [P]'); WriteLn(' The P option will show Passwords if Wheel is ON'); End else Begin Write(' Z3 Wheel is O'); if getwhl then WriteLn('N') else WriteLn('FF'); if ndir^.du <> 0 then Repeat if x > 20 then x := 1 else x := 35; y := y+1; GoToXY(x,y div 2); if getduok then pdu(Swap(ndir^.du)); name := namstr(ndir^.name); pass := namstr(ndir^.pass); x := x+5; GoToXY(x,y div 2); Write(name); if ([1]='P') and getwhl then Begin x := x+9; GoToXY(x,y div 2); LowVideo; Write(' Pass: ',pass); NormVideo; End; WriteLn; ndir := Ptr(Ord(ndir)+SizeOf(ndrrec)); Until Lo(ndir^.du) = 0 End; End.