The version of ZMP15 included in this library has been done for Kaypros, specifically the "video" models (2X, 4, 10, 1, etc.). This LBR file contains a version of ZMP15 ready to run for the Kaypro. It also includes the source code for the overlay--ZMO-KP12.Z80. To run version 1.5 of ZMP, you will need the ZMP15.LBR and this COM file. Your previous .FON file will work just fine, but the .CFG file from any earlier version must be deleted. For this version, all associated ZMP files must be in user area 0 of drive A:. To change this, simply alter the necessary bytes, reassemble the overlay to a HEX file, then load that HEX file to any existing version of ZMP15.COM. mload,zmo-kp12 Submitted by M. Broschat, April 1989. GEnie: M.BROSCHAT