Z33VERR is a ZCPR33 error handler. Just execute it without any parameters and it will install itself. It should be located it the root directory. The only command line parameters recognized are: // ......Prints a usage help comment Q .......Does not ring console bell when error is detected. S........Inhibits initial clear screen when error is detected. The file Z33VER10.CIM is linked to execute at 8000h, just rename it to Z33VERR.COM first. The file Z33VER10.COM is linked to execute at the normal tpa address of 100h. When ZCPR33 gets a command that it cannot process, it will give control to Z33VERR. Z33VERR will then ask you if you wish to delete the offending command, abort the entire command line, or edit the command line. If you choose (E)dit, you will be put into an editor which uses a subset of the WordStar command set. These commands are: ^E : Line Up ^X : Line Down ^S : Character Left ^D : Character Right ^A : Word Left ^F : Word Right ^G : Delete Character ^T : Delete Word ^Y : Delete Command Line and Return to System ^V : Flip Mode from Insert to OverWrite and Back ^P : Insert Control Character (or Lower-Case Character) In addition to the WordStar commands, these are available: ^K : Line Up ^J : Line Down ^H : Character Left ^L : Character Right ^C : Command Right (moves to next semicolon) ^R : Remove Command (deletes from cursor to semicolon) ^U : Undo Last ^T or ^R -- (useful for copying text) : Save Command Line and Return to System : Delete Character to Left