ZCPR3 -- Rapid Install Program, Version 1.1 Copyright 1986, Paul Pomerleau This program installs ZCPR3 programs. It can install just one, or all in a Drive/User, or all the ZCPR3 programs on an entire disk. It reads in the first record of each .COM file it finds, checks to see if it is indeed a ZCPR3 command and if it is, installs it. This program is not as powerful as Z3INS is, but it allows you to get more done in a hurry. Syntax: Z-RIP [DU: or NDR:][AFN] [*] If second filename is an '*', the ENTIRE disk is searched for names which match the AFN, from maxuser down. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTORS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. TYPE 3 ENVIORNMENTS ARE. Cheers, Paul Pomerleau