Program: SNAP, Version 1.0 Author: Rob Friefeld Purpose: Save image of Z-System package space into a reloadable file. Syntax: SNAP file[.typ] System: ZCPR3.3 SNAP was written after I decided I liked Bob Andersson's LAP a lot. My minor objections to it were: 1) no source code, 2) too big, 3) verbose. SNAP saves an image of the ENV, RCP, FCP, IOP, NDR, path, and quiet flag plus a small loader to the file named on the command line. That is, rather than installing itself, it writes another program to reload the packages. The output file is about 2k smaller than LAP (and SNAP itself is about 1/2k). Error checking is minimal. Note that, although the space allocated to each package may vary, you cannot load one size system over another with SNAP. I followed Bob's scheme of disabling interrupts, loading the image, calling the IOP initialization routine at IOPBASE+9, and enabling interrupts. If that doesn't work for you, I would like to hear about it. Usage: SNAP SYS <- Save current packages to file SYS.COM LDR OTHER.ENV,OTHER.RCP,OTHER.NDR,OTHER.FCP SNAP OTHER <- Save this version to OTHER.COM SYS <- Reload all original packages at once. OTHER <- Run the other configuration. -- Rob Friefeld Lillipute Z-Node or Ladera Z-Node