Almost every thing you need to get this RCP running is included in this package. In addition to what is provided, you must have the following: Z3BASE.LIB MLOAD.COM Get everything on drive B: and type in this command line: ZASM SLTRAP.BBZ HEX;MLOAD SLTRAP.RCP=SLTRAP;ERA SLTRAP.HEX That should provide you with a working SLTRAP.RCP. ------------ SLTRAP RCP version 1.2 The Handy-Dandy I/O grabber. January 15, 1986. So how does it work? For LIST DEVICE: The disk file is opened by the command LOPEN filename.typ Where filename.typ is the name of the file to hold all output. To close the file (Write the text to disk and finish the file properly), the command is LCLOSE For CONSOLE DEVICE: The disk file is opened by the command SOPEN filename.typ Where filename.typ is the name of the file to hold all output. The text printed on the screen will NOT be saved to file. TEXT WILL NOT BE SAVED UNTILL YOU HAVE PRESSED THE TRIGGER KEY. Pressing the trigger key again will stop the flow of text to the designated file. You may start and stop screen trapping all you like. The default trigger is ^\. Use the command KEY to change the key which you would like to use a a "Trigger". To close the file (Write the text to disk and finish the file properly), the command is SCLOSE ------------ Ok, Kids, have fun. Paul Pomerleau I can be reached at Lillipute Z-Node, (312) 649-1730.