Summary of ARUNZ Parameters as of Version 1.1 Jay Sage October 23, 1993 The information about the ARUNZ parameters is covered in four sections below. Section A has a summary of the parameters and directives with no explanation. Sections B through D explain the parameters in greater detail. Section B defines some qualifier symbols that are used with a number of parameter forms. Section C defines the actual parameter expressions supported by ARUNZ version 1.1. Finally, Section D covers the special directives recognized by ARUNZ. ============================================================================= A. Parameter Summary -------------------- format 'f' = H hex D 3 decimal F floating decimal T two decimal A ASCII O one decimal module 'm' = B BIOS M MSG C CCP/CPR N NDR D DOS P PATH E ENV R RCP F FCP S SHL I IOP X XFCB L MCL component 'c' = N FN D drive or default T FT U user or default F FN[.FT] P prefix (with colon) Z Crunched Type S short prefix Q Squeezed Type C converted token (to DU:) units 'u' = Y year H hour (mil) M month C hour (civ) D day N minute A AM/PM parameter forms: number of tokens $# ('#' is actual char) full token $# (# = digit 0..9 ) parsed token $Tc# (# = 0..9 ) home directory $HD $HU $HB full command line $! full command tail $* tail less tokens $-# (# = 0..9 ) memory contents $Mf#### register contents $Rf## system file $Sc# get prompted input $"prompt" use prompted input $'c# ( c: "L" ";" "E" ) ENV address $Am offset ENV address $+m#### ENV address content $@fAm offset ENV content $@f+m#### date/time $Du ============================================================================= B. Definitions -------------- A line in the ALIAS.CMD file takes the following form: alias_name_form alias_script The alias script is the prototype command line. It contains normal characters and parameter expressions, as discussed in detail in this DOC file. It is separated from the alias_name_form by any number of tabs and spaces. Thus the scripts can be formatted neatly to make the file easier to read. The alias_name_form consists of any number of individual alias name expressions connected by equal signs. There must be no imbedded spaces or tabs. An individual alias name expression can be of any length. It is not limited to the eight characters of file names, and it can contain control characters, unlike file names. The alias name may contain several special symbols which qualify comparisons with the command verb passed to ARUNZ. These are as follows: underscore (_) This character in the alias name will match any character. Thus the alias name "_DIR" will match the commands LDIR, XDIR, and so on. There must be a character present. comma (,) Characters that appear after this character are optional. If characters are present in the command, they must match. However, the characters need not be present. For example, "ZP,ATCH" will respond to ZP or ZPATCH but not to ZPTCH. greater (>) This special character represents any name followed by a period. It is used with ZCPR34, which can accept a command like "PROG.Z80" and pass it to the extended command processor. An example alias definition would be >Z80 z80asm $tn0 Just entering the name with its file type of Z80 would invoke the Z80ASM assembler on the file name. colon (:) An alias name that begins with this character will match any command and is thus the default alias definition. If used at all, it should be the last alias defined. A common use is to make ARUNZ chain to LX or another extended command processor. For example: :DEFAULT LX / $! Several parameters use qualifiers to further define the data returned by that parameter. Since a number of parameters share some of these qualifiers, we would like to list them here at the beginning. 1. Conversion formats (f): When byte values are returned by parameters, the values can be converted to various formats. These formats are indicated by a format qualifier in the parameter expression as follows. format qualifier meaning ---------------- ------- A ASCII, uses the value AS IS H return two hexadecimal characters F return value as floating decimal (leading 0s suppressed) D return three decimal characters T return value as two decimal characters O return value as one decimal character 2. System memory module (m): For parameters that obtain the value of a memory module from the environment descriptor, the module is specified by one of the following letters: module qualifier memory module ---------------- ------------- B BIOS (basic i/o system) C CCP/CPR (command processor) D DOS (disk operating system) E ENV (environment descriptor) F FCP (flow command package) I IOP (input/output package) L MCL (multiple command line) M MSG (message buffer) N NDR (named directory register) P PATH (command search path) R RCP (resident command package) S SHL (shell stack) X XFCB (external command FCB) 3. File specification components (c): Several parameters return various information about file specifications. The following parts of the file specification token can be returned. The first five letters can be used with all such parameters. The remaining letters can be used with those parameters that refer to tokens that can have directory prefixes as well as file names. file part meaning --------- ------- N FN (file name) T FT (file type) F FN[.FT] (complete file name -- name and type) Z the file type as it would be when file is crunched Q the file type as it would be when file is squeezed D drive (or logged drive if no explicit value) U user (or logged user if no explicit value) P directory prefix (including the colon) S short prefix (without the colon) C converted file specification (DIR: form, if present, changed to equivalent DU: -- if invalid name, then no conversion is performed) ============================================================================= C. Parameter Expressions ------------------------ 1. Number of command-line tokens: $# The parameter expression '$#', where '#' is the actual character, returns the number of tokens on the command line as a one- or two-digit decimal number as required. 2. Command line token parameters: $# The parameter expression $#, where '#' is a number between 0 and 9, returns a complete token from the command line. $0 returns the command verb (alias name) exactly as it was entered on the command line, including any directory prefix and/or file type. Parameters numbered from 1 to 9 return the corresponding token from the command line tail. Tokens are defined as contiguous strings of characters. ARUNZ is normally configured to take only spaces as delimiters between tokens, but it can be configured to allow tabs as delimiters as well. 3. Command line token parsing parameter: $T The command line tokens are returned whole, as is, by the $# parameter described above but can be parsed as file specification expressions using the parameter form $Tc#, where 'c' is the component part of the file specification to use (see definition 3 in Section B above) and where '#' is a number from 0 to 9. The value 0 refers to the command verb; the values 1..9 refer to the corresponding token in the command line tail. Under ZCPR33 and earlier, if the command verb contained an explicit directory prefix or if it included a file type, the extended command processor could not be invoked. Thus $TT0, the file type of the command verb, would always be null. The expressions $TD0 and $TU0 would always return the logged-in drive and user, respectively. With ZCPR34 this is no longer true. All the parameters can take on more general values. 4. Home directory parameter: $H Since $TD0 and $TU0 cannot be counted on to return the currently logged directory values, special parameters have been provided for this purpose. They are: $HD the home (logged) drive $HU the home (logged) user $HB the home (logged) drive and user together 5. Command tail parameters: $! $* $-# The parameter $! represents the entire command line as entered, including the command verb (alias name) and the tail. It is useful in aliases whose only purpose is to put an explicit DU: or DIR: directory prefix on the command. The parameter $* represents the entire command tail (after the command verb), not including any leading space characters. It is useful in aliases which substitute another command verb for the one actually given but which leave the command tail as it was. The parameter expression $-#, where '#' is a number between 0 and 9, returns the command line tail with the designated number of leading tokens removed. Thus $-0 is the same as $*. These parameters are useful when some number of leading tokens are given some special treatment using the token parsing parameters and the rest of the command line is to be passed intact. 6. Memory contents parameters: $M A parameter expression of the form $Mf#### returns the contents of the memory address given by ####, a four digit hexadecimal address. Note that there must be exactly four hex digits, even if the value has leading zeros. The 'f' term is the conversion format (see definition 1 in Section B above). 7. Register value parameters: $R The byte contained in any of the 32 user registers is returned by a parameter expression of the form $Rf##. The register number must be given as exactly two hex digits. The value must be in the range 00 to 1F. The 'f' term is the conversion format (see definition 1 in Section B above). 8. System file parameters: $S Parameters can return values based on the four system file names stored in the environment. The general expression is $Sc#, where '#' is a digit from 1 to 4 and where 'c' is the component of the file. Since these files have no associated directory, only the first five values usually allowed for 'c' (see definition 3 in Section B above) can be used (N, T, F, Z, and Q) 9. Prompted input parameters: $" $' The double-quote parameter is used to prompt for user input. If the parameter expression $"..." appears, where the dots refer to any string of characters, that string of characters will be sent to the screen as a prompt, and one line of user input will be read into a buffer. In the normal configuration of ARUNZ there can be up to four such prompts and responses. The prompt is sent without case conversion. A character preceded by a caret is converted to a control character (^M for return, ^J for linefeed). The dollar sign acts as an escape character. Any character after it is sent as is. Thus $$ produces '$' in the prompt; $^ produces '^'; $" produces '"'; and so on. The single-quote parameter is used to process the user's response to prompts. The parameter expression $'c# is used in the script to retrieve all or part of the user's response. The number '#' is in the range 1 to 4 but must not be larger than the number of prompts up to that point. (It is recommended that all the prompts be placed at the very beginning of the script.) The term 'c' indicates the component to be extracted from the user's response. The usual values described under definition 3 in Section B above can be specified. In addition, the following values are also allowed: L the entire line of user input ; one complete command (i.e., the input is terminated either by the end of the input or by a semicolon) E exactly the first token from the user's input The user's input can be used repeatedly and in different ways throughout the script. Here is an example: TEST $"Enter a file spec: "echo directory prefix is $'p1;echo file name is $'f1 10. Environment data parameters: $A $+ $@ Several parameter expressions can return information related to data extracted from the Z-System environment descriptor. In this way, aliases can determine information independent of system configuration. This is particularly important in the new dynamic systems (NZCOM and Z3PLUS) where the operating system configuration can change at any time. The $A parameter returns the address of various system modules. The parameter expression is $Am, where 'm' designates the module (see definition 2 in Section B of this document). The $+ parameter is similar but allows one to compute an offset from the address that would be returned by a $A parameter. The form is $+m####, where #### is an exactly four hex digit offset value and 'm' is the memory module to use as the base address. The expression $+m0000 is equivalent to $Am. The $@ parameter expression is $@fam or $@f+m####. It performs the same calculation as the parameter expression following the '@f' except that instead of returning the calculated address it returns the value of the byte stored at that address converted according to the format specified by 'f'. 11. Date and time parameters: $D The parameter expression $Du returns a unit of the date/time supplied by DateStamper or ZSDOS. The unit 'u' can be any of the following: Y Year (YY) M Month (MM) D Day (DD) H Hour in military form 00-23 (HH) C hour in Civil form 01-12 (HH) N miNute (MM) A Am/pm flag (AM or PM) Two characters are returned for each unit if DateStamper or a ZSDOS stamper is running; null strings are returned if not. Note that 'M', having been used for 'month', could not be used for 'minute'; 'N' was used instead. ============================================================================= D. ARUNZ Directives ------------------- There are two expressions that look like parameters but are actually directives that tell ARUNZ how to work (and not parameters that return character strings). 1. ZEX input redirection control: $I Whenever user input is requested (as with the $" parameter), one must consider whether or not ZEX should be allowed to supply the input from its character stream. ARUNZ normally turns ZEX redirection off. If the directive $I is placed before one occurrence of prompted input requested by $"prompt", then ZEX input redirection will be turned on, but for that prompt only. If there are two prompts and you want ZEX to answer both of them, then you must put a $I before each prompt. 2. Recursive alias mode: $Z Normally, after a script is interpreted and converted into a command line, any commands still pending in the multiple command line buffer are appended to the alias command line (separated by a semicolon). This complete command is then copied into the multiple command line buffer. The $Z directive tells ZEX to discard any pending commands and to load the multiple command line buffer with the alias command line only. This capability was developed to allow recursive aliases. However, better techniques are now available.