INSTALLATION OF ZCPR2 on APPLE ][ Version 1.0 W.F.McGee (613-828-9130) March 29, 1983 Version 1.1 " modified to avoid inconsistency with unmodified BIOS, corrected bugs. Version 1.2 " modified for new CPM60 Purposeº tï aiä iî thå installatioî oæ ZCPR² oî Applå ]Û personaì microcomputer. 1. Customize ZCPRHDR.LIB I made the following equate choices CPRLOC EQU 0D300H BIOS EQU 0FA00H SUBON EQU TRUE DRVPREFIX EQU TRUE DRVPFATT EQU 1 USERON EQU TRUE DIRON EQU TRUE LTON EQU TRUE GOON EQU TRUE ERAON EQU TRUE SAVEON EQU TRUE RENON EQU TRUE GETON EQU TRUE JUMPON EQU TRUE INTPATH EQU TRUE IPATH MACRO db '$',0 db 'A'-'@','$' db 'A'-'@',0 db 0 ENDM ERAOK EQU TRUE ERAV EQU FALSE DUPRMPT EQU TRUE MULTCMD EQU TRUE CLBASE EQU 0F500H BUFLEN EQU 77H WERA EQU FALSE WREN EQU FALSE WLT EQU FALSE WGO EQU FALSE WSAVE EQU FALSE WGET EQU FALSE WJUMP EQU FALSE WDU EQU FALSE WHEEL EQU FALSE INTSTACK EQU FALSE STKBASE EQU 0F580H EXTFCB EQU TRUE FCBADR EQU 0F600H CMDRUN EQU TRUE Š NOTESº  Thió  seô  oæ equateó ió usinç thå Applå ]Û texô pagå  tï store the required ZCPR buffers. The allocation is as follows. F400-F477 lower case driver (APPATCH2.MAC) F500-F577 CLBASE F580-F5F7 STKBASE F600-F677 FCBADR F680-F6F7 NDBASE F780-F7F7 IOBASE 2. Patch the file ZCPR22.ASM as follows: after the line CMDLIN EQU CHRCNT+1 insert the following text: BUFLEN0 EQU 77H CHRCNT0 DB 6 CMDLIN0 DB 'ZCPRBT' DB 0 NXTCHR0 DW CLBASE+4 DB BUFLEN0 and then should be an ELSE. Further patch ZCPR22.ASM after the lines CPR1: IF MULTCMD XRA A STA CMDLIN0 ENDIF and after CPR: LXI SP,STACK insert the lines PUSH B LXI H,CHRCNT0 LXI D,CHRCNT LXI B,8 LDIR LXI H,NXTCHR0 LXI D,NXTCHR LXI B,3 LDIR POP B after which should appear IF NOT MULTCMD Finally, in the subroutine SCANF2 replace DJNZ SCANF with DJNZ SCANF JMP AROUND DB ' ' AROUND: SCANF3: The effect of this change will be to place a jump around location D74E which is modified by BIOS. 3. Assemble using MAC into the file A60ZCPR2.HEX 4. Patch this hex file into CPM60.COM using DDT as follows DDT CPM60.COM NEXT PC 2E00 0100 -H0F00,0D300 E200,3C00 -IA60ZCPR2.HEX -R3C00 -G0 Š A>SAVE 47 ZCPM60.COM 4®  Thå  prograí ZCPM60.COM wilì rewritå thå systeí trackó oæ á disk when it is run. 5®  Assemblå thå filå ZCPRBT.ASÍ intï ZCPRBT.COÍ anä placå iô  oî thå  systeí  disk®  Thió initializeó thå system¬  anä  ió  calleä automatically when the disk is booted. 6®  Thå lasô stagå ió tï ruî thå prograí GENINÓ anä customizå thå utilitieó  foò  youò  ZCPR² system®  É finä  thaô  thå  followinç utilities are useful for the Apple CD COMPARE CRC DIFF DU4 LD LDIRZ LRUNZ MKCHECK MCOPY MENU MKDIR PATH PROTECT PWD RENAME SUB XDIR ZEX These also fill one Apple diskette (126k).