WORDSTAR, CP/M EDITION, RELEASE 4, HERE AT LAST!!! SPECIA NOTIC -- JIM WELCH THE NORTHEASTERN REPRESENTATIVE OF MICROPRO CORPORATION WILL INTRODUCE WORDSTAR CP/ EDITION RELEASE 4 AT THE SEPTEMBER MEETING OF THE BC CP/ GROUP, FORSYTH DENTAL CENTER 14 THE FENWAY THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 7:3 PM All are welcome. Please come. Beginners' Clinic at 7:00 PM. O Jul 23 MicroPr Corporatio announce releas 4. o WordSta fo CP/M Shipmen o upgrade t registere user i schedule t begi o o abou Augus 20 Upgrade ca b ordere b callin MicroPr Custome Servic a (800)227-560 9:0 AM-9:0 P EST Th cos o th upgrad i $8 plu stat ta an shipping $1 discoun o order place befor th en o Augus i availabl t BC member b askin fo extensio 6667 I additio t upgrades ne copie o Wordsta ca als b ordered from Customer Service. Not -- MicroPr ha uniqu upgrad policy An legitimat cop o WordSta (CP/ o MS/PCDOS norma releas o OE releas suc a Kaypr o Osborne etc. ca b upgrade t th curren CP/ o MS/PCDO version. W wer no abl t obtai cop i tim t writ revie fo thi issu o th newsletter however revie wil b forthcoming Th followin detail o th ne releas hav bee selecte fro th MicroPr brochur o th CP/ Edition. RAM REQUIREMENTS: 54K TPA with math, 51K TPA without. DISK REQUIREMENTS: At least two 5 1/4" double density drives. DISTRIBUTIO FORMATS CP/ Generi (8 ss/sd) Kaypro Osborne Appl du i October Note W ca conver an o thes format t virtuall an forma tha yo requir (wit th exceptio o Vecto Graphi har sector). TERMINA SUPPORT 2 terminal supporte b default extensiv patching options to allow other terminal installations. PRINTE SUPPORT Muc bette suppor o lase printer an do matri printers Suppor o tw installe printers Note thi versio o W wil no suppor backgroun printin (us hardwar printer buffer instead!). HIGHLIGHTS UNDO KEYSTROK MACROS FOUR-FUNCTIO MAT CALCULATOR USE NUMBE an ZCP NAME DIRECTOR SUPPORT ONSCREE BOLDFACIN an UNDERLININ (i you termina support this) TH WOR PLU SPELLIN CHECKER MULTIPL RULE LINE (whic ca b save wit you document) GO-TO-PAGE PRIN MULTIPL COPIE an t ASCII MULTI-LINE HEADERS and FOOTERS FULL LIST OF ENHANCEMENTS: 1 Undo 2 Keystroke macros 3 Built-in four-function math calculator * 4 User number support 5 Onscreen bold and underline * 6 The WORD Plus spelling checker and expanded dictionary 7 Stored ruler lines active while editing 8 Go to page 9 Print multiple copies 10 Multi-line headers 11 Multi-line footers 12 Laser printing capability 13 Automatic paragraph indentation 14 Automatic hanging indent 15 Continuous/noncontinuous underline 16 Improved install program 1 Ne progra modificatio processe (thi mean tha al patc point ar documente an too i provide t d th patches) 1 Proportiona spacin (dependin o printe capability require additional RAM) * 19 Improved documentation 20 Easier-to-use indexing 21 Index every word 22 Word count 2 Ctr ke wit keypa move curso intuitivel (hardwar dependent) 24 User-programmable function keys 25 Function keys provide alternative interface * 26 Improved speed 27 Improved use of memory 28 Specify printer at print time 29 Access two printers from one computer 30 Print to ASCII 31 Print to shared printer 32 Print to disk including all escape sequences 33 Cleaner menus 34 Block math * 35 Improved, easier-to-use conditionals 36 Merge-print math capability 37 Column replace mode 38 Convert to uppercase from lowercase 39 Convert to lowercase from uppercase 40 Help for each command 41 Improved help contents 42 Removable help messages in separate (optional) file 43 Find and replace across page breaks and soft spaces 44 Find and replace from cursor to end/beginning of file 45 Improved find and replace of control characters 46 Improved use of wildcards in find and replace 47 Move to end of sentence 48 Move to end of paragraph 49 Move to any character 50 Move to previous sentence 51 Move to previous paragraph 52 Move to any previous character 53 Delete rest of sentence 54 Delete rest of paragraph 55 Delete up to any character 56 Restore default page numbering 5 Improve merg printin (.DF allow use define characte t separate variables 58 File insert (.FI) now works while printing as well as merging 5 Print-tim formattin (.PF no work whil printin an merging 60 Page number (.PN) now works while printing and merging 61 Line height (.LH) now active while editing and printing 62 Embed a copy of the ruler line into text (.RR) 6 Stor lef margi i documen t b activ durin editin (.LM) 6 Stor righ margi i documen t b activ durin editin (.RM) 65 Microspace justification on dot matrix printers (.UJ) 66 Variable character width on dot matrix printers (.CW) 67 Variable line height on dot matrix printers (.LH) 68 Alignment/word wrap may be changed while editing (.AW) 69 Line space changes may be stored within document (.LS) 70 Justification changes may be stored within document (.OJ) 71 Multi-user support 72 Installable tab stops 73 Can remove status line 74 Can read and write column blocks (Ctrl KR and CTRL KW) 75 Improved status line contents 76 Improved flag column contents 77 Toggle near-letter quality print mode within a document 78 Define print controls while editing 79 Define form feed character while editing 80 Print at fixed position when using different fonts 81 Italics (on some printers) 82 Auto indentation in nondocument mode 83 Set tab expansion in nondocument mode 84 User defined tabs based on file type in nondocument mode 85 Strip high order bits from file in nondocument mode 8 Conver har carriag return t sof carriag return automatically 87 Predefined macro for result from last math (Esc =) 88 Predefined macro for last mathematical equation (Esc #) 89 Predefined macro for formatting numbers (Esc $) 9 Curso place wher i wa lef afte las "save-and-resume editing 91 Maximum right margin increased to 255 92 Support for full page terminals 93 Backspace is destructive 94 Delete key deletes character 95 Visible soft spaces for increased spacing control 96 Create file to modify more than one copy of WordStar 9 Chang wha WordSta consider wor fo wor delet operations (Ctrl T) 98 Improved custom printer install 99 Delete files using wildcards 100 Limit directory displays using wildcards 101 Suppress file types from directory 102 Protect a file 103 Spell checker is user installable 104 Find and correct spelling errors 105 Automatic spelling correction 106 Find rhyming words 107 Help solve word puzzles 108 Locate anagrams 109 Automatic soft hyphenation in spelling checker 110 Look up correct spelling of a word 111 Check frequency (redundancy) of word use 112 Alphabetize and text file or word list 113 Homonym help 114 ZCPR named directory support 115 "Large file"indicator on status line 116 Print from command line 117 Print then exit from command line 118 Open document from command line 119 Open nondocument from command line 120 Print nondocuments and maintain onscreen formatting 121 Can format merge-print string variables 122 Can format merge-print numeric variables 123 Memory usage control Thi i no a advertisement however base o m experienc wit th DO versio o WordSta 4. (most bu no al ne feature ar commo t bot CP/ an MS/PCDO versions) yo wil wan t conside upgrading On o th mos significan feature i th extensiv patchin inf provided Wit earlie version o WordStar th use communit compile an maintaine complet listing o use modifiabl patc locations MicroPr learne fro thi an wit releas 4.0 ha provide thi informatio a wel a progra t facilitat use patchin o WordStar Th configurabl option an patc location fa excee thos foun i earlier WordStar releases. 08/10/87 Jim Byram BCS CP/M Group