Program: VIEW, Vers 4.3 Purpose: Text file viewer. Author: Rob Friefeld, 4607 Colorado St., Long Beach, CA 90814 {Comments to Ladera Z-Node 213-670-9465} Previous Versions: VIEW4.0, (VIEW4.1, VIEW4.2 not released). Changes: Upgrade in listing, reading, and writing functions. Code now seems to be proof against even the worst CompuServe downloads. Allowance for RSX on memory allocation. With optional hard coded CRT protocol, program size down to 4K. Files: VIEW43.COM - Generic version with help screen and TCAP access (6k) VIEWWYSE.COM - Expert version without 1k help screen and using precoded CRT routines rather than TCAP (4k) VIEW43.HLP - Instructions VIEW43.Z80 - Source VIEWOVL3.Z80 - Overlay for patching (if you don't want to POKE) HARDVID.LIB - Hard coded CRT routines for cls,ereol,at,gotoxy, stndout,stndend,tinit,dinit Uses: With a few minutes practice, VIEW becomes a transparent way to browse text files, e.g. DOC files, program listings, WordStar files, captured BBS sessions. The HLP file has extensive documentation of usage. Operation: The file is read until the TPA is full. Commands permit moving forward and backward through it, setting place markers, deleting blocks, listing blocks, writing blocks to disk, reading more of the file, and merging other files. Characters are high bit masked and controls are converted to ^n format. Patches: (See VIEW43.HLP) - A printer initialization string starts at 10Dh. # bytes,bytes (up to 16) - Highly recommended to install an "insert line" sequence for your CRT - As an assembly option, can include a hard coded CRT protocol (Wyse compatible) and save about 500 bytes. VIEW43.COM ; Assembly options expert equ false ; True = assembly without help screen wrtok equ true ; Permit output to disk lstok equ true ; Permit output to list insok equ false ; True = use CRT insert line code hardvid equ false ; True = use hard coded CRT routines, not VLIB VIEW43WY.COM ; Assembly options expert equ true wrtok equ true lstok equ true insok equ true hardvid equ true Limitations: No support for squeezed or crunched files. VIEW, VCOMP, BCOMP, and PEEP are a "family" of file viewers. Version 4.2 notes - High bit mask done immediately. Avoids problems with FIND and PRINT - Scan speed variable with +/- - PRINT expands tabs and does not truncate line at screen width - Optional use of Wyse compatible CRT protocol rather than TCAP - Line feeds stripped to make more room - WRITE allows appending text to another file. Version 4.1 notes - Scroll overlaps one line - Memory size routine checks for RSX - Corrected bug which capitalized line typed to printer