QUOTE.DOC - February 25, 1988 Lawrence Davis - Glendale Litera QBBS - 818/956-6164 (HST 9600) This document describes the usage of QUOTE.COM and its accompanying QUOTES file. QUOTES.BAS is an MBASIC program designed to display a two line quote from a QUOTES file. QUOTE is designed to be used in the remote CP/M (RCP/M) environment to display a quote to a caller. QUOTE.BAS must first be compiled into a runable COMfile using BASCOM and L80. There are several constants they may be edited to adapt QUOTE to your needs. QUOTE.BAS CONSTANTS ------------------- WHEEL Set to Wheel address (current: 3Eh) QDRIVE$ Drive where QUOTES file can be found QUSER User area where QUOTES file can be found COMFILE TRUE, if QUOTE will chain to a file after completion CHAIN$ Name of COMfile that QUOTE will chain to CDRIVE$ Drive where CHAIN$ can be found CUSER User area where CHAIN$ can be found COMPILING QUOTE.BAS ------------------- BASCOM =QUOTE/O/Z/C L80 QUOTE,BDOS,CTAIL,QUOTE/N/E QUOTE.COM USAGE --------------- QUOTE may be entered from the CP/M command by using QUOTE n where n is any character they can be input from the keyboard. The n character is used to seed the random number generator. In remote usage, the Sysop may have BYE run QUOTE upon connect. Then QUOTE can run the bulletin board program. With a two part BBS such as QBBS, the logon program (QENTER.COM) loads QUOTE and then QUOTE loads the actual BBS (QRUN.COM). QUOTE may also be run when the user exits to CP/M. If QUOTE Q is entered and the Wheel byte is set then QUOTE will go directly to the quote entry mode. A two line quote may be entered. The QUOTES file will be updated when a RETURN alone is entered on the first line of quote entry. The QUOTES file is a normal ASCII-only file and can be edited with a regular editor such as VDE or Wordstar in non-document mode. The only requirement is that each quote occupy two lines. If the quote is a one-liner then the second line should contain '-- author's name'. (See QUOTES for format). TECHNICAL NOTES --------------- QUOTE.COM uses the clock values in the BYE5 or NUBYE RTC buffer to seed the random number generator. Seconds are multiplied by minutes so that each run of QUOTE will produce a different quote. The QUOTES file is read entirely into memory before the quote is displayed, so one should keep in mind the size of the QUOTES file when adding quotes. A typical QUOTES file with 50 quotes is about 4k in length. Since all quotes are two lines QUOTE assumes that each quote starts with an odd numbered line. If your quotes display with the last line on top then an extra line has been introduced somewhere in the QUOTES file.