MENU.COM v 1.1 & 2.1 by Douglas Sears, 6 Nov 85 This program is designed to be used instead of the Menu program supplied with Perfect Writer (trademark of Perfect Software, Inc.), versions up to 1.20. It is smaller, much faster, and has fewer bugs and more error-checking (for example, it won't let you specify an illegal drive name). Improvements over v 1.0: (1) full 15-character printer device names are allowed (thanks to Robert Tull, the first to spot the problem), (2) directory listings larger than 64 files pause after each page, and (3) PW.COM etc. are searched for in the usual ZCPR path -- current drive & user, then A:/current user, then A0:. Version 1.1 runs only on the older models of Kaypro II or 4 (the ones without graphics, non-glare screens, or half-height drives), because it writes directly to the video RAM, for speed. Version 2.1 is a little slower, but will run on any CP/M Kaypro. Otherwise, the two versions are identical. To avoid the "any other key" message when starting up the menu, you can hit a key before the message appears. Just tap the return key TWICE, like this: A>menu (The "any other key" message is there so as not to lose any error messages the formatter might put out.) If, when formatting, you have been avoiding using printer devices other than the default because you can't remember the device names, take heart! This speedy-MENU lists the names to choose from, as soon as you pick the "Device" option, and points out what the default printer and console devices are. Here's a useful hint: to see what your file will look like on the printed page, complete with accurate page breaks, FIRST pick the C option for viewing on the console, THEN pick the D option and give the name of the printer device you'll be using, then pick G, and your file will appear on the screen as if printed (but, of course, without underlines, superscripts, etc.). Please notice that this is COMMERCIAL software, but in the form of "shareware": you get the program by copying it from a friend or a bulletin board, not by mail-order. I am hoping that the lower distribution costs of shareware will make it feasible to write good low-cost programs specifically for the relatively small number of Kaypro owners. If you like this program, but don't send money, you'll have no one but yourself to blame if I give up and join the rest of the programmers who have decided that MS/PC-DOS is where you can make a living. Douglas Sears P.O. Box 5285 Eugene, OR 97405 USA