TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial Version 1.01 Read.Me TURBO-LESSONS were written to help you learn to program in TURBO Pascal. They are being distributed as User-Supported Software. Suggested donation is $5.00 for Lessons 11-17. Several more sets of lessons (about 7 lessons per set) will be forthcoming on the remaining Pascal topics, provided user response keeps me at my keyboard. TURBO-LESSONS were designed so that you can experiment with the sample programs in the computer as you progress through the printed copy of the lessons. Before starting the tutorial, you should print a copy of the lessons. 1. Unsqueeze TPTUTOR2.LQR and unlibrary all files. (The lessons were squeezed with NSQ and libraried with LU86.) 2. Type PRINT-TL to print the lessons. (Type COPY TL11.TXT PRN: to print only lesson eleven.) 3. Make a back-up copy of the programs and lessons.