program GrouchoMarx ;const topline= 09;bottomline=21; leftcol=10;rightcol =68;var deltax,deltay, xpos,ypos:integer;ch :char;procedure Border;var i:integer;begin for i :=leftcol to rightcol do begin gotoxy(i,topline);{} write('-');gotoxy(i,bottomline); write('-') end;for i:=topline to bottomline do begin gotoxy(leftcol ,i) ;write('|');gotoxy({}{}{} rightcol,i) ;write('|'); end end;{}{} begin ClrScr;xpos :=leftcol ;ypos:=topline;{} deltax :=1;deltay:=1;{} {!} gotoxy(33,5);{}{} write('Groucho Bo' +'unce'); gotoxy(30,7);write ('by ' +'John M. P' +'assaniti');{}{}{ }Border;{}{}{ }gotoxy(29,24);{ }write('Press any' +' key to quit.' );while not {-ugh-} keypressed do begin gotoxy(xpos,ypos) ;xpos:=xpos+deltax; ypos:=ypos+deltay ;{ }if{} (xpos =leftcol) or(xpos=rightcol ){} then{ }{ {} deltax{ }:=-deltax;if( ypos = topline){} or (ypos={}{}{ }bottomline){ } {} { } then { } { } deltay:=-{} {} {} { }{} {}{ } { } deltay;{} delay ( {} { }{ } { }20 ) end;{ }{}{}{}{} {} {} {} {} {}{} gotoxy (1,24);{} {} {} {?} {} {} {} ClrEol;{<>} {?} {} {?} {} { }{ }gotoxy(27, topline +3);{!} { }{ } write({} { }{ {} 'Not very ' { } +'e' {} +'xciti' { {} +'ng, ' {} +'was it?' ); {} {?} gotoxy(23 , topline + 5) ;write('Well, l' + 'et''s' {} +' see you write a program'); {{ }{}{ } {}{ }gotoxy(23,topline+6);write({ }{ { } { }'where the source code look' + { }{ } 's like');gotoxy(23,topline+ 7);write ( {} { }'Groucho'+ ' Marx!!');{ }{ { } {??} {} gotoxy (1,1 ); {} write( ^G {} {} {} {});{ ;;} {{ {{ } delay ({ }{ }{ { } 9999 ) ; {{{} {} for ypos := { }{ }{ {} { --Groucho Bounce-- } {} {} {by John M. Passaniti} {{ } {compile with Turbo } {} {} {Pascal, any version.} {} { {{{ {{{ {{} topline + 3 { } to {} {} {} {} { {{ } { }topline+7 do begin gotoxy(23,ypos) ;write(' ' +' ');delay(50)end;gotoxy({ }34,topline+6);write('See Ya Bye!!' );gotoxy(1,1);write(^G^G^G)end.{!!}