Listings disk for The Complete Turbo Pascal by Jeff Duntemann All files on this disk (c) 1985, 1986 by Jeff Duntemann Distribution encouraged; commercial rights retained. This disk is a machine-readable collection of example programs, subprograms, and data files from my book, The Complete Turbo Pascal. Feel free to put this disk in your user group library and give it to your friends. While some of the programs exist only to illustrate a point of Pascal programming technique and are not especially useful, many of them can be incorporated in your own code. If you really like the material on this disk, rather than sending money, why not buy my book? It's published by Scott, Foresman & Company, 1985. ISBN: 0-673-18111-1 If your local computer or book store doesn't stock it, ask them to order it for you. While I can't always promise to answer every letter, feel free to write or call (before 9:30 PM!) about the book or these programs. 73, and keep on hacking! Jeff Duntemann KB2JN 805 Seaword Road Towson MD 21204 (301) 583-2302