procedure adjust_fn(fileref : string15; var drive : string1; var filename : string15; var filetype : string3); (* This procedure converts a string into the standard CP/M format for processing. This format is all upper case, and inserts ?'s into the string if the wildcards ? or * are found in the string. Finally, the string is expanded so spaces are placed in any unfilled positions in the name. these are placed in the middle of the filename, i.e. is converted to 'abc . de'. *) var insert_pos, count : integer; begin for count := 1 to length(fileref) do (* convert to upper case *) if (fileref[count] in ['a'..'z']) then fileref[count] := chr(ord(fileref[count]) and $df); if pos('.', fileref) <> 0 then (* separate the file name and type *) begin filename := copy(fileref, 1, pos('.', fileref) - 1); filetype := copy(fileref, pos('.', fileref) + 1, 3); end else begin filename := fileref; filetype := ''; (* no file type in this case *) end; if pos(':', filename) <> 0 then (* check for drive spec *) begin drive := copy(filename, 1, pos(':', filename) - 1); delete(filename, 1, pos(':', filename)); if filename = '' then begin filename := '*'; filetype := '*'; end; end else drive := '!'; (* dummy value for param *) while (pos('*',filename) <> 0) do (* find any '*' wildcards *) begin insert_pos := pos('*', filename); (* find the spot *) delete(filename, insert_pos, 1); (* get rid of * *) while (length(filename) < 8) do (* insert ?'s until filename is filled. Note that the first '*' will fill the string, so any other *'s in the name will be deleted and replaced with a single '?'. '*k*' will be converted to '??????k?' *) insert('?', filename, insert_pos); end; while pos('*',filetype) <> 0 do (* do the same for the filetype *) begin insert_pos := pos('*', filetype); delete(filetype, insert_pos, 1); while (length(filetype) < 3) do insert('?', filetype, insert_pos); end; while length(filename) < 8 do (* fill out the filename with spaces *) filename := filename + ' '; while length(filetype) < 3 do (* do the same for the filetype *) filetype := filetype + ' '; end; (* adjust_fn *) procedure init_fcb(infile : string15); (* initialize an fcb with a filename and filetype for use with BDOS calls *) var count : integer; drive : string1; filename : string[15]; filetype : string[3]; begin adjust_fn(infile, drive, filename, filetype); (* put filespec in proper form *) if drive in ['A'..'P'] then fcb[1] := ord(drive) - 64 (* store the drive spec *) else fcb[1] := 0; (* use default drive *) for count := 1 to 8 do (* put in the filename. Array operation, not string *) fcb[1 + count] := ord(filename[count]); for count := 1 to 3 do (* same for filetype. Must be integers here *) fcb[9 + count] := ord(filetype[count]); for count := 13 to 36 do (* rest of FCB is 0's *) fcb[count] := 0; end; procedure searchfirst(var result : integer); (* search for first BDOS call. Result is position in DMA buffer of filespec, or 255 if no file is found *) begin result := bdos($11, addr(fcb)); end; procedure searchnext(var result : integer); (* search for next BDOS call. Result is same as above *) begin result := bdos($12, addr(fcb)); end; procedure dir; (* generate directory listing *) (* generate a directory listing. This is a CP/M dependent procedure and would have to be changed for other operating systems. No size information is printed *) var filename : string[15]; filetype : string[3]; index, count, result : integer; begin if arg1 = '' then arg1 := '*.*'; (* we'll read all the filenames *) init_fcb(arg1); (* set up the FCB *) bdos($1a, addr(dma)); (* set up the dma address *) searchfirst(result); (* look for the first directory entry *) count := 0; (* cont for formatting output into 4 per line *) if result <> 255 then (* write the first filename *) begin writeln; writeln('Directory listing for ', arg1); writeln; for index := ((result * 32) + 1) to ((result * 32) + 9) do write(chr(dma[index])); write('.'); for index := ((result * 32) + 10) to ((result * 32) + 12) do write(chr(dma[index])); write(' : '); count := count + 1; end else writeln('no file'); (* guess it doen't exist *) while (result <> 255) do begin searchnext(result); (* keep looking *) if result <> 255 then begin count := count + 1; (* bump the display counter *) for index := (result * 32) + 1 to ((result * 32) + 9) do write(chr(dma[index])); write('.'); for index := ((result * 32) + 10) to ((result * 32) + 12) do write(chr(dma[index])); if ((count mod 5) = 0) then writeln else write(' : '); end; end; writeln; end; procedure delfile; (* delete the selected files *) var result : integer; fileref : string15; procedure deletefile(var result : integer); begin result := bdos($13, addr(fcb)); end; begin (* delfile *) if arg1 = '' then begin writeln; write('Enter file(s) to erase: '); readln(arg1); end; init_fcb(arg1); deletefile(result); if result in [0..3] then writeln('File(s) deleted.') else writeln('File(s) not found.'); writeln; end; (* delfile *)