Turbo Modula-2 graphics routines for the Televideo 955 terminal. Written for the public domain by Glenn Brooke. Last update 6/18/87. All files in this library are crunched. TELE.DZF definition file TELE.MZD implementation file GRAPHIC.MZD test progam to demonstrate Here is a list of routines included : PROCEDURE GraphicModeOn; PROCEDURE GraphicModeOff; PROCEDURE HalfIntensity; PROCEDURE FullIntensity; PROCEDURE Bell; PROCEDURE LockKeyboard; PROCEDURE UnlockKeyboard; PROCEDURE Columns(x : CARDINAL); PROCEDURE EraseToEndOfPage; PROCEDURE CharAttribOff; PROCEDURE CharAttribOn; PROCEDURE LightBackground; PROCEDURE DarkBackground; PROCEDURE CursorAttrib(p : CARDINAL); PROCEDURE ReverseBackground; PROCEDURE Underline; PROCEDURE ReverseUnderline; PROCEDURE ReverseBlink; PROCEDURE Invisible; PROCEDURE BoxScreen(Heavy : BOOLEAN; Bright : BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE WriteReversed(s : ARRAY OF CHAR);