08-10-84 XM-TDOS.COM is an implementation of XMODEM for TurboDOS version 1.3 or higher. It is to be run on the CONSOLE port (like, console hooked to a modem for dialup or hooked to another computer running MDM7 or MEX as a console for the TD system). NOTE: XM-TDOS may not work right in multi-user systems at baud rates of 1200 baud and above. It worked on an ICM 48000 CPU (6MHz) running single user TD at 9600 baud, while it failed on a CPS-MX (6MHz) in an 8-user system. The following patches HAVE TO BE MADE in the PAR file: ----------- (include next 3 lines in your PAR file) ---------- SBUFSZ = 88 ;typeahead buffer size must be larger than packet size CONIN + 03 = 0C9;disable ATNCHR totally CONIN + 1E = 0C9;disable ATNCHR totally ----------- (end of patches to PAR file) ---------------------