This program is COPYRIGHT 1987 JAMES APOLIS. I hereby permit this program to be distributed and used only if it is done without profit. Any commercial use of this program is forbidden without written permission from the author. I make no guarantees of it's performance but I have endevered however to make this program as clean and reliable as I can through extensive testing on MP/M-II and CP/M v2.2. If you encounter any bugs in its operation I would be glad to hear what you have found. Also if you have any suggestions regarding features or options that you would like to see, I would be glad to hear about it. I am withholding the source file because I want to keep the program as reliable as possible and maintain full compatability with CP/M and MP/M. I would like to thank Mitch Orysh for the effort that he put forth to test this program and the many suggestions he made during its development. Bug reports and suggestions can be mailed to: James Apolis 603 Balfour Drive San Jose, Ca. 95111 You may also upload bug reports to the Micro-Research Remote Systems RMP/M group. (408)866-8959 - Jim Apolis Sysop, Micro-Research