/* Directed I/O package for use with BDS C v1.4x. The following functions make up the directed I/O library: 1. dioinit(&argc,argv) Make this the first thing you do in your "main" function, to process redirection commands on the CP/M command line. 2. getchar() Gets a character from the keyboard, or from a directed input file if one was specified on the command line. 3. putchar(c) Puts a character out to the console, or to a directed output file if one was specified on the command line. 4. dioflush() Flushes directed output file, if open, and closes all directed I/O files (if any.) This must be called before your program exits or returns to CP/M. To activate redirection: Four special arguments may be given on the command line to the generated COM file... >foo causes "putchar" to place characters into the file named "foo" instead of to the console. +foo like >foo except that the characters are ALSO sent to the console. ,+,< or | and the corresponding filename.) Thus, a C program using redirection has the following form: #include "bdscio.h" /* standard header file */ #include "dio.h" /* directed I/O header */ ... /* other externals, if any */ main(argc,argv) char **argv; { ... /* declarations */ dioinit(&argc,argv) /* initialize redirection */ ... /* body of program */ dioflush(); } NOTES: 0. Redirection and pipes work only for TEXT. This mechanism should not be used for binary data. 1. The "getchar" and "putchar" functions should each be used EXPLICITLY at least once in your main source file, so that the correct versions are picked off from DIO.CRL instead of the incorrect ones from DEFF2.CRL (because of the way the linker works.) 2. The "putc" library function should be modified so that an iobuf value of 4 sends a character to the CP/M console via a "bdos" call (as opposed to using "putchar"), and that a '\n' character thus sent should be expanded into a CR-LF combination. This is easily accomplished by adding the following clause to the "putc" function, recompiling STDLIB1.C, and updating DEFF.CRL by transferring in the new "putc" with CLIB.COM: if (_iobuf == 4) { if (c == '\n') bdos(2,'\r'); bdos(2,c); } (This may already have been done in the version you have.) 3. The "execv" function, used by this package, is available in the file EXECV.ASM; it should be assembled, renamed EXECV.CRL, and then transferred into DEFF2.CRL using CLIB.COM. (This may already have been done in the version you have.) */ #include "bdscio.h" #include "dio.h" #define CON_INPUT 1 /* BDOS call to read console */ #define CON_OUTPUT 2 /* BDOS call to write to console */ #define CON_STATUS 11 /* BDOS call to interrogate status */ #define CONTROL_C 3 /* Quit character */ #define STDERR 4 /* Standard Error descriptor (sorry, Unix fans, 2 was already used.) */ #define INPIPE 2 /* bit setting to indicate directed input from a temp. pipe fil */ #define VERBOSE 2 /* bit setting to indicate output is to go to console AND directed output */ /* The "dioinit" function must be called at the beginning of the "main" function: */ #define argc *argcp dioinit(argcp,argv) int *argcp; char **argv; { int i,j, argcount; _diflag = _doflag = _pipef = FALSE; /* No directed I/O by default */ _nullpos = &argv[argc]; argcount = 1; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) /* Scan the command line for > and < */ { if (_pipef) break; switch(*argv[i]) { case '<': /* Check for directed input: */ if (!argv[i][1]) goto barf; if (fopen(&argv[i][1], _dibuf) == ERROR) { fprintf(STDERR,"Can't open %s\n",&argv[i][1]); exit(); } _diflag = TRUE; if (strcmp(argv[i],"': /* Check for directed output */ if (!argv[i][1]) { barf: fprintf(STDERR,"Bad redirection/pipe specifier"); exit(); } unlink(&argv[i][1]); if (fcreat(&argv[i][1], _dobuf) == ERROR) { fprintf(STDERR,"Can't create %s\n",&argv[i][1]); exit(); } _doflag++; movargv: if (!_pipef) { for (j = i; j < argc; j++) argv[j] = argv[j+1]; (argc)--; i--; _nullpos--; } else { argc = argcount; argv[argc] = 0; } break; default: /* handle normal arguments: */ argcount++; } } } #undef argc /* The "dioflush" function must be called before exiting the program: */ dioflush() { if (_diflag) { fclose(_dibuf); } /* Cleanup unconditionally so rename below can't screw up */ unlink("tempin.$$$"); if (_doflag) { putc(CPMEOF,_dobuf); fflush(_dobuf); fclose(_dobuf); rename("tempout.$$$","tempin.$$$"); if (_pipef) { *_savei = "